Pacific Rim · 3:07am Jul 14th, 2013
So, I went to see the new movie, Pacific Rim, and I will say, I was pretty impressed. However, I did not like the fact where when the Dutch and the Triplet guys weren't even searched for after the battle. I mean, come on people! Are they just to be considerd dead without a second thought? Well, on the bright side, this gives me a reason for making a Pacific Rim and MLP crossover.
I'd read that
1209754 Would you really?!
1209868 I would to. I want to see that movie but my mother doesn't and non of my friends like Kaiju any more.
1209885 lol it was a pretty sweet movie. Made me want to play Halo as well and beat the ever-living crap out of Grunts and Elites.
Well. Typhoons cockpit was crushed with possible fact no one survived and alpha has a possibility that one would survive. But drowning or the explosion is a different story
1248281 This is true.