• Member Since 21st Apr, 2013
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  • 65 weeks

    I want to keep going with The Price of Wings... kinda.

    See, I recently stumbled on the old notes I had for the story and realized that the final chapters were... never really written down. I had ideas but I figured I'd get them down later, after writing the rest of it.

    The thing is, it would be a LONG story to finish it all.

    But I still DO want to finish it.

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  • 312 weeks
    The price of wings ch 06

    I'm working on the latest chapter. I am sorry it's been taking so long. I swear I did not mean for this to go on for this long with no updates. If I can juggle things right I will update more often.

    That being said, if anybody would like to help me proofread these that would be appreciated.

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  • 442 weeks
    Coming soon

    Just in case anybody was curious, yes I am working on the latest chapter of The price of Wings, I'm proofreading it right now. I got a good method for it too. I put the text in a text-to-speech program and let it read the thing to me. Seriously, I've been over the chapter so many times that's the only way I can go over it, either one painstakingly piece at a time, or by listening to it. It's a

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  • 452 weeks
    Defending Celestia Part 3

    ACCUSATION: That Celestia has allowed a little Pegasus Filly with a crippling disability to remain in that state without using her powers to heal her. (AKA, why has Celestia not healed Scootaloo?)

    RESPONSE: Manifold... in 3 basic parts. "healing", "powers", "disability"

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  • 453 weeks
    chapter 5

    It has been a year and a half since chapter 4 of TPOW was posted, to anybody that was waiting though, the wait is over. I've finally finished the chapter and am now on the proofreading stage. Also, I got the advice that if I want to write better, I need to read good books. So I've started re-reading Harry Potter book-5.

    Currently the chapter is a good 27 pages long.

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Inevitable Immortality Initiation · 3:09pm Jul 11th, 2013

So, with Twilights ascention into alicornhood there has been some discussion about immortality and stuff. I figure that for all it's worth I should throw in my own two cents and see what it buys me.

Anyway, first the alicorns, I don't think that the alicorns are immortal at all. I think that Celestia and Luna are... immortal-ish. That is to say that it seems more like a long lifespan then real immortality. In theory, real immortality means that you can't die and, even further, that you can't be shut away somewhere like in a prison or something becuase in some ways that's a form of death. You need to understand that, from my point of view, there are symbols and types and shadows everywhere. For mortals and the like, we can make signs and seals and types and shadows all day and it means nothing, for powerful (immortal) people, everything they do carries on throughout their entire lifespan. A true immortal will not lie or they will find themselves regretting the lie forever, once the regret begins it will not end except as such can be absolved. Similarly they will not do anything that they would regret or they're going to be feeling it for, well, forever.

Long lived beings are a little more flexible, they know they are not immortal but that they are going to need to do things right or they're going to be regretting it for a long time.

Now, evil immortals or evil long-lived people. I see this as a good thing. Let's take an example. The villain wins, he gets the dragon balls and is now immortal, nice job breaking it villain. The longer the villain lasts the more and more likely he is to realize that his own villainous ways are exactly what is causing his own kingdom/world/universe to break down. Soon principles such as efficiency start to creep in and he starts realizing that if he wasn't so evil in the first place then not only would people be more willing to work for him but they might actually start doing so without the need of persuasion, they'd just do it becuase thay actually like the guy!

And then we have the not so villainous, let's take the neutral guy. The villain and hero are arguing so much that the random stranger gets the mc-guffin and becomes immortal instead. If he does live for long enough he's going to find the world passing him by, everything changes except himself UNLESS he engages in it. He's going to need to form enterprises, businesses, engage in things, he cannot stay small or at least he can't stay inactive. And in becoming actively engaged he also becomes like the villain, ruling things, but unlike the villain, he doesn't start out evil and thus learns efficiency and even how to be good to people much MUCH more quickly.

Now, what if the one becoming immortal was good to begin with, say, a pair of sisters that work together to bring about harmony, peace and defeat an evil (if humerous) tyrant. how long before they become even more good then they were before. Indeed, they would be driven to be even more religious then before becuase with so many lives feeling so short to them (they just come and go) the very idea of getting to see their loved ones again would not be so much a comforting thought so much as a necessity. But at the same time, they wouldn't become religious tyrants, they'd become pioneers of faith and tollerance.

Now the argument may be made "but Luna turned evil!" and that is true, but just because you are long-lived or immortal (and new to it) doesn't mean that you don't make mistakes, after all there was that learning period where you were first made immortal and you probably made lots of mistakes then. Also, if someone is in the wrong circumstances (like being constantly overshadowed by your big sister) then your current circumstances can appear as though they too are going to last forever (immortality starts looking REALLY bleak then) and can drive you mad if you aren't careful.

But, as time goes on, even villains realize the error of their ways and soon become like Teal'c, (no, not the "noble warrior" Warf charcter type), constantly working not beucase they expect forgiveness, but becuase they realize that the only thing left for them is to try and improve the lives of those around them.

Evil is mortal, it is short sighted and it is very stupid usually. The reason why evil geniuses are so dangerous is becuase they are rare. Almost all forms of evil boil down to either wanting something that causes others pain or wanting something and not being willing to get it through proper channels, that's it. and the "causes others pain" is even more rare. Furthermore, giving into evil desires deadens the senses and nerves so sooner or later the "causing others pain" will lose it's magic and effect and the villain will feel nothing.

And don't even give me the "well, what if it CAN'T learn"And don't even give me the "well, waht if it CAN'T learn" argument. If it's intelligent (aka, sentient) then it WILL learn. If it is not sentient then it is either not truely immortal or it will lack the intelligence to resist being manipulated and thus can be used for good anyway.

What about the evil AI? well, it will either learn or it won't and if it doesn't learn then how the heck is it surviving amongst a world of beings that DO learn?! And if it does learn, well, efficiency means that it will sooner or later become either benign or even good. Then you have the problems (for the evil AI) of if the AI makes a mistake and like copies itself and ends up in competetion with itself and soon learns the evil of, well, itself. if it learns then it's going to learn the evil of evil that much more quickly.

I'm sorry (no I'm not) but in my opinion, immortality is the end of evil, period.

Good job breaking it villain, your own immortality spells the end of your villainous ways, idiot.

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