• Member Since 21st May, 2012
  • offline last seen February 4th

Perception Filter

I'm back, I guess.

More Blog Posts55

  • 397 weeks
    One Year Later

    So uh, hi... It's been a year since I've promised updates that haven't come. (Though, through technicality I haven't broken any promises, but fuck technicality, I broke the spirit of it.)

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  • 454 weeks
    Finally moved

    So I'm finally moved into my new house, everyone, and my writing will once again be receiving regular updates (read: any whatsoever). That's all for Revan, keep reading for other news.

    I'm also writing a short story called "The Sky Was Gone." It's probably going to be about 8-10 pages long-ish (I have no clue, I'm guesstimating based on the amount of pages I currently have written of it).

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  • 461 weeks

    I'm moving soon, and with the chaos of keeping the house clean for the realtor and packing, I'm not gonna get the next chapter for Revan out anytime soon.
    I've been trying to keep up writing. As it stands, I got around 500 words on the next chapter, so I might get it finished, but it might not happen.

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  • 462 weeks
    Devil on my Shoulder

    I have a Devil on my shoulder
    And no Angel on my other
    An offer of a tempting vice
    None of true advice

    He’ll never leave my side
    For he is my one true guide
    I will not end up forgotten
    But certainly in a coffin

    I’ll follow his voice away
    Trapped ‘neath an unending sway
    I’m just one puppet, one debt
    In his large and impressive set

    Yet he is mine alone
    My shoulder: his throne

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  • 463 weeks
    I'm back?

    I guess.
    I mean, it's been over a year and a half since I've last written anything.
    And it feels weird.

    So, I guess many of you are wondering why I'm back... Well, the answers a bit complicated. I just kind of felt that inspiration again. The thing I haven't had for so long. I feel invested again, and I feel like I'm not forcing out words to meet a schedule for my stories.

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I HATE Mother's/Father's day (A rant that may include things not related to Father's/Mother's day) · 4:03am Jun 16th, 2013

You want to know why? They're completely and utterly fucking ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents, (not my stepmother, she's a bitch) but is making a day to appreciate them really necessary? I already spend most of the time during my day with them, cause I hardly have any friends off of the computer, and I already know they conceived me. I already know that they're my parents, and I appreciate them greatly for being caring and accepting of me. There's really no point in sticking a title like "Mother's" or "Father's" to a day to specifically appreciate them. If we were truly good sons or daughters, we would appreciate them every single day.

I'm beginning to see this trend in America, of being rewarded for only doing what common courtesy demands or what you're supposed to do normally.

I saw a thing during a movie I saw recently (Man of Steel) that advertised an app that put your phone into "Cinematic mode" which silenced any calls and other stuff like that. At first I was like, "Yeah, this is pretty cool, it reminds people in case they forgot to turn off their phone." But then it said "Look for your reward following the movie"

Really? Is this what we've come to? You need fucking incentive to turn off your phone in the movie theater? That's common fucking courtesy! I've noticed it elsewhere too, like at my school (Kinda unrelated to the general public, but yeah) where they give us these things called "Panther bucks" (Our mascot is a panther) for doing things like behaving in class and getting to class on time? Do people in this day and age really need incentive to do something that requires little to bare minimum effort on their part?

And while we're on the subject of holiday's I would like to address Memorial day and Veteran's Day. I am including these in my argument for Father's and Mother's day. Do we really need to set aside a whole day to appreciate those who have protected us in the past? Shouldn't we be doing that already?

And on another note, I've found America's primary religion. I have decided to call it "Consumerism". Have you seen the kind of shit we do on Black Friday? We have trampled and seriously hurt other human beings, our fellow man, just to save ten fucking dollars on a new shiny toaster that has internet connection! We have taken the worst stock market crash in human history, that led to the Great Depression, which caused the suffering of millions upon millions of people, into a fucking holiday.

I'm fucking done people. I tell you, I'm fucking done with this country and the Human Race.

Report Perception Filter · 274 views ·
Comments ( 14 )

I know how you feel

If I remember correctly Memorial Day and Veterans Day mark the end of World War 1 and the Vietnam War, respectively. I'm not sure if I have those in order.

It's all about money, every holiday's true meanings have been forgotten and the only parts remembered and told are the parts that make money.

1147196 I'm not saying they're on completely batshit days, but is it really necessary to put a date on those days to tell people to appreciate the people they should be appreciating anyways.

I wonder if I could create and commercialize a holiday called "National Gynecology Day".

1147216 if you do this you will become the most hated loved man in existence.

better yet, I will create and commercialize National Sex day! Everyone will get free condoms in the mail.

Yes...Yes....You'll do just fine.....

Your school mascot is a panther too? Strange..

Here, this might tell you why you're schools doing it's bullshit

Black Friday is not related to the Great Depression/Stock Market Crash of 1929.
The day of the crash is known as "Black Tuesday" which was in October, while "Black Friday" is in November and is related to the accounting expression 'in the black' (an accounting expression: black meaning profit, and red meaning losses.)

I agree about the trampling shit that goes on though. That crap needs to stop.

1147487 Oh... You learn something new everyday I guess!

1147208 I feel gratitude to Veterans every day, but those holidays are when we put primary focus on them. It's for war veterans to sit back and feel the pride of keeping a country safe.

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