• Member Since 4th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 26th, 2022

Whirl Wind

More Blog Posts15

  • 578 weeks

    So recently I have noticed that my newest story is getting more thumbs down than thumbs up. Now I know a couple of those might just be people who don't read the but for those of you who did read it, maybe you can explain to me why you didn't like it? I would appreciate any feedback you could give me so I can improve my stories to satisfy your reader munchies. :)

    0 comments · 434 views
  • 579 weeks
    Story is up.

    So I changed my mind on how I am going to post this story. I have the first six chapters up. Enjoy! (Or not. Whatever floats your clouds.)

    0 comments · 312 views
  • 581 weeks
    To be Bold! (Update!)

    Three chapters done, averaging about seven thousand words a chapter. Let me just say this, it is not what you think.

    0 comments · 307 views
  • 582 weeks
    To be Bold!

    Just giving you the title of my latest story. Expect it to be finished after summer. Hopefully by then I will have a place to stay and a job.

    0 comments · 299 views
  • 583 weeks
    Finally finished!

    Yes, I have finished the last of the final story in the series! Thank you to everyone who has been so patient with me and my lack of internet connection. :)

    0 comments · 323 views

To be Bold! · 5:32pm May 28th, 2013

Just giving you the title of my latest story. Expect it to be finished after summer. Hopefully by then I will have a place to stay and a job.

Report Whirl Wind · 299 views ·
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