• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 11th, 2021

I am not a Dalek

A 21 year old Brit who loves all the stereotypical things like Tea and Doctor Who. I'm original. Definitely.

More Blog Posts66

  • 327 weeks

    Bet you all thought you saw the last of me!

    Hello, if you still happen to be around. Whoops, it's been about 3 years since I updated you all. Sorry! But better late than never, I suppose. I figured this would be a good time to post as I do occasionally get messages of my whereabouts!

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  • 448 weeks
    Update on my life for those who still care.

    Hey guys,

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  • 501 weeks
    Well it looks like I'm going on a long hiatus

    Hey Guys,

    So as you all may have figured, I'm taking a break from writing. The main reason for this being that it's my final year in sixth form (senior year for all you american folk) and I'm applying to universities. So, that means I need to bring up all of my grades.

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    1 comments · 397 views
  • 514 weeks
    Check out this story lol :3

    Hey guys!

    So my editor and best friend just published a story which is a crossover between the Amazing Spiderman and My Little Pony. I've been looking forward to reading this ever since he told me about this idea!

    Anyway head over and check it out here! and give it the support that it deserves!

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  • 520 weeks
    So, a thing happened.

    Hey guys!

    Oh my gosh, so last night, as many of you know, I updated Replacing Scootaloo. I went to the front page and saw that it was featured?! I obviously freaked because I've been on this site for over a year and had never been featured before. Plus, out of my two main fics, Replacing Scootaloo was the less popular one.

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Serious blog time (again) · 7:33pm May 16th, 2013

So, I'm not sure if many of you have heard of the April Jones story. It's about a little girl who lived in Wales, she was only about 5. In October, she was out playing with her friends, and a friend of the family asked her to get in the car, since she knew him she did it happily. She was never seen again.
The man who kidnapped her has been said to have been looking at photos of April and her sister on facebook the week prior to her disappearance, and he also had sexual images of young girls on his laptop.
He confessed to the police that he ran her over by accident but he doesn't know where she is, he was drunk so he doesn't know where he put her body.
Last month, fragments of April's skull was found in his house and the man still claims he can not remember what happened and he doesn't know where her body is. The fact they found a part of her skull shows that he did in fact murder her. Which is sick.
That, however, is not the worst part. Today, my mum was talking about the story again since it was on the news, and it came up in conversation that the man used to work in a slaughter house and he knew how to skin animals.
Considering that they found fragments of April's skull... Well I dread to think of what happened to her.
Sorry for this random blog guys, the whole thing just makes me feel really really upset and I'd thought I'd share it with you all since I doubt many of you have heard about this, I think it's only news in the UK.
I have a nephew who is only 3 months, and I look at him and wonder "How could anyone hurt someone the size of you?" because people somehow think it is okay to hurt something that is smaller than your arm. And the same goes with April who was only 5. She had never lived her life. Someone thought it was okay to hurt her in that way, and possible sexually abuse her.
As I have mentioned before, society is sick. It is horrible and sick. I don't understand how people like this think, and it's worrying to know that so many people think like that.

Report I am not a Dalek · 187 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

Sickos like him need to rot in the deepest, hottest corner of hell. A man got shot and nearly died when he tried to get a little kid in his car just down the street from my house. I guess the girls dad saw it just in time and grabbed his shotgun and just barely missed blowing the guys head clean off. It makes me sick to see that all these people are aloud to roam around when they should be rotting in a prison cell. But it got me thinking about what i would have done if it had been my little sister and it makes me wish we lived out in the country again when our closest neighbor was five miles away. This story sickens me to my core and i hope they lock that bastard up and throw away the key.

1105163 I agree, I wish I lived in Ireland. I mean, there is still crimes and stuff, but not as much as over here. Especially in London, I despise living here. You're constantly afraid you're going to get mugged or raped and gah. It's terrible. But the April Jones story makes me want to cry, just to think of what she went through...
I would have done the same as the father. He was honestly brave to do that.
I read a Manga novel last night, called Death Note (I need to buy the second one now.) And, in some sense, I agree with what Light is doing, I mean killing all the criminals. But, it's a bit... Well, I'm not sure what state you're in and whether Capital Punishment is still around, but over here it's not. And that's a good thing. They deserve to suffer, but prisons don't seem to be as much as a punishment as they used to, I heard they get good food, time with the TV ect. It's a bit... pointless, it's like a holiday. :facehoof:

I live in a little town in central Illinois and here we are very protective because some guy did kill a little kid back in the seventies and ever since if you dare to even think about harmin' a kid you had better be prepared to meet the muzzle of a 12 gauge. In my town if you kill someone we will kill you back. That's our policy.

1105479 Hm, I'd prefer to make them suffer and rot. Coz if you kill someone, you're just as bad... :twilightblush:

Very true but then again this is probobly why there hasn't been a murder in my town since 1972.

1107799 Ah, true... But... You'd still be a murderer... I dunno, it just isn't right to me. :unsuresweetie:

I personally am a non-violant person but i have an explosive temper. I cant even handle shooting a deer, but if i had to protect my family i would fight to the death. Most of the people here in my town own a gun of somesorts, even my grandma owns a .44 magnum but if i said that i didnt support using violance they would probobly shun me like they do when they know someone's diffrent then them but frankly i dont care if they do. I was shuned for being a brony but they got over it, i was bitched at by people for buzzing town during a flying lesson but they got over that, figure they'll get over this too.

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