• Member Since 30th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 18th, 2013


More Blog Posts41

  • 590 weeks
    Well, Everybody, It's Been Fun

    It's been fun, guys, but I'm finally finished with FiM and all that that implies. Maybe it's sudden, and maybe it seems a little odd, but it really is time for me to move on. My purpose in life can never be fulfilled if all I ever do is lurk around the Internet. Having said that, this is--indeed--the end of the road for me.

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    9 comments · 901 views
  • 590 weeks
    What's everyone up to?

    It sure has been a while since I've done one of these, hasn't it?

    As for me . . . summer reading . . . . That should explain my situation, I trust :facehoof:

    So, what's everyone up to? How've things changed for all of you guys?

    20 comments · 519 views
  • 603 weeks
    Post your theme song

    As title says.

    17 comments · 650 views
  • 603 weeks
    Name Change

    To be honest, I never thought I would do this, but I actually changed my name.

    It just seems to fit me a bit more, I think.


    14 comments · 866 views
  • 603 weeks
    Everyone loves depressing poetry, right?

    Here's just a little something I wrote a few minutes ago.

    If you've ever felt like whatever you were doing was meaningless for whatever reason, then you should know that I pretty much wrote this to embody that very feeling of emptiness.

    A Hymn for Humanity

    To see, to hear, to think, to groan;
    Always seeking to bemoan - - -

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    5 comments · 567 views

Everyone loves depressing poetry, right? · 4:12pm May 13th, 2013

Here's just a little something I wrote a few minutes ago.

If you've ever felt like whatever you were doing was meaningless for whatever reason, then you should know that I pretty much wrote this to embody that very feeling of emptiness.

A Hymn for Humanity

To see, to hear, to think, to groan;
Always seeking to bemoan - - -
But be there good within the keep,
Should the souls abstain their weep?

But weeping still they do ere long;
Caring not for day is gone - - -
Yet night need not hold fast at length,
As beings often doubt their strength.

And simple as it may yet be,
The darkness never true to thee - - -
Though light can tell lies just as well;
Some too worse for all but hell.

Then even after all is done,
The humans seek to trust no one - - -
By'est forgetting all and remembering none,
The men will slave on and on forever . . .

Until their time is finally come.

It touches lightly on principles of morality (though very indirectly) and mainly works to paint an image of human futility/pointless suffering/lack of understanding/clouded perception, but more with figurative brush and less with morbid motifs and language.

I was mainly inspired by Queen's Who Wants to Live Forever to write this, where the "One sweet moment set aside for us" is death (seen at the end).
Many figurative influences can also be seen, but not in great number.

And while I do realize that this isn't some new fic, this pretty much sums up how I feel as of yet.

Whatev's - - - I'm out for now.

Report Beyonder · 567 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

I know the feeling.
Loved the poem, really hit on all of the right spots, carry on.

I liked the part when it said that both Light and Dark can trick you, but with Light more gentler and Dark more consequential.

I really liked your poem and I do feel/think like this when I am depressed. I even considered Suicide once...well, several times.

Good job on the poem.

5/5 Moustaches

this could make a good Pink Floyd song

I gives it 5/5 tashes

That was beautiful... I wish I had more to say, but I've never been good at artistic critique.

A way!


Glad you found it appealing :)

I wrote that a while ago, but it was very important to me, at the time.

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