Sorry for not updating my stories; blame ME3 Or 'DA FUCK WAZ THAT ENDING' · 4:45am Mar 23rd, 2012
You may have noticed that I haven't updated my stories in a while. Well, blame Mass Effect 3. Game totally took over man. It was ruining my social life, i just ignored the world. It was hilarious, it was sad, it was heartwarming, it was the best game ever....... until the ending. Three words.
I'm not one to buy into the Bioware fans' standard rage. I for one loved DA 2, for example. And ME2 was fantastic. So when I heard the uproar over the ending, I thought it was their standard overreactions. But no! They were right! It was out of left field, it was utterly confusing, it was sudden, it gave resolution to almost nothing, It. Was. Awful. Before that I was planning to replay this several times, with different romances imported in and the like. But that ending killed any and all enthusiasim I had for that game. i'll probably play the DLC, cause why not, but until they fix that ending there's no way I'm starting a new game on that thing. Why, Bioware? Just..... why? Did you just want to torch the franchise and run? I guess we'll never know.
Anywho, now that I'm done with that, expect more updates soon!
I can understand that they were trying to come up with an original ending for the game. I can understand that they knew that no matter what they did they were going to get into trouble with the fans. If they had just made the extreme endings somewhat better and more rewarding I doubt that there would have been such an uproar.
(Spoilers Below: Do not read if you don't want them.)
I personally accepted the logic that the Reaper's were using to justify themselves. It's the sort of logical conclusion that one would get from an AI. "At some point, all civilizations will create a synthetic AI race that will attempt to kill all life. Logically, we must kill all advanced life every few ten thousand years and turn them in AI's in order to aid us in wiping out the next cycle of civilizations."
It's the kind of stupid logical conclusion you could expect from a faulty AI.
I haven't played Mass Effect 3. I refuse to play it until they release a version with all the DLC. I'm not buying the game only to have to pay £5 - £10 for DLC. Also I am a fan of the indoctrination theory at the end of Mass Effect 3. And I hope that is the reason for the crappy endings. It makes more sense than what I saw in the other endings.
Sure I like the reapers' motivations. i kinda figured there was a man behind the machine deal after talking to that Reaper on Rannoch. But yeah wa too extreme. I ultimately went with Synthesis. You?
that makes a LOT of sense. Other interpretations-
-Shepard died on Earth either right at the beginning of the game or when Harbringer came in or at the destruction of the Normandy SR-1 and wasn't brought back to life, and this is a dying hallucination
-The stress of the war got to him; paragon Shep lost his/her mind due to having to sacrifice his/her morals; Renegade Shep lost it because of all the friends (s)he had to kill. Insane hallucination.
-A dream.
-Bioware writers got really, really high.
I also went with Synthesis, but to be honest I would have liked the ending better if the ending had simply been 'Paragon: Hit the button, Reaper's get shut down/ die, everyone wins. Renegade: Hit the button, everyone dies regardless of side in the conflict. Neither: Shepard dies before he can reach the button.'
Readiness would simply decide if Shepard would still be alive long enough for help to arrive / get to help.
What do you think?
Eh, that just makes it too black and white. I would prefer a middle ground between black and white and 'no matter what you do the universe gets pretty fucked up".
Sure it's a little black and white, but damn it the damn thing is still better then the hogwash that we were stuck with.
At the very least, I would have loved an Epilog. They did it for DA, why couldn't they do it for this too?
Definitely. What happened to tali and garrus' new relationship? Did ashley ever get over Shepard's death? What did Javik think of becoming part synthetic? I really want to know.
This makes a good case for the indoctrination theory. but bioware's reactions to the fandom makes me think that the indoctrination theory was not their plan and that talented fans just put it together from the wreckage of Bioware's mistakes.
Now that I think about it, both the Control and Synthetic endings require Shepard to more or less commit suicide to do. Destroying them only suggests death is an outcome.
I never saw nor heard anyone rushing you to continue your story. If the writer needs time, then the readers will wait.