Check out my account Some short stories, pony and otherwise, will be posted there. They will also be posted here, at the 30 Minute Pony Stories blog, where esteemed authors like Donny's Boy, Norse Pony, Baby Seal Burritos, Kyronea, myself, and more will write pony fics during a 30 minute
And all I can say is that this fic describes it perfectly. Didn't work out, though it seems I was close! So I edit it, wait a bit, edit it again, and try, try again!
Those who are watching may have noticed( and if you haven't, that's the reason I made this blog post) two things. One, the name has changed. The last one sounded stupid, so I removed the 'and finally' even if it makes the story sound like a Portal homage. Two, I've made some revisions to chapter 1, and by revisions I mean LARGE. FREAKING. CHANGES. Prince Gumball, tell them how large these changes
You may have noticed that I haven't updated my stories in a while. Well, blame Mass Effect 3. Game totally took over man. It was ruining my social life, i just ignored the world. It was hilarious, it was sad, it was heartwarming, it was the best game ever....... until the ending. Three words.

me gusta mucho. I can't wait for more