Overly-Extensive Editors: Tags and Editing · 11:13pm Feb 10th, 2013
An organized list of the tags I use for Google Docs whenever I edit for Overly-Extensive Editors. I'll usually link this blog page to the member when I begin editing the story.
[GRAMMAR]: Spelling, punctuation, misused words, etc.
[REPHRASE]: Rewritten sentence to fix strange sentence formats, combining sentences, making more complex structures, repetition, etc.
[CLARIFY]: Used whenever I feel confused or lost when I read the sentence.
[FORMAT]: Dividers, tabs, etc.
[CREATIVE]: Rewritten sentence to add more detail, mystery, excitement, etc.
[PROBLEM: X]: A key aspect or idea that is repeatedly done incorrectly; often includes a link. Example: [PROBLEM: CREATIVE]
[CANON]: Actions or ideas that break either the canon of the story, or the laws of physics. Does not apply to Pinkie Pie.
[PLOT]: Plot holes, conflict, themes, cliches, etc.
[CHARACTER]: Character arcs, flat characters, antagonists, protagonists, etc.
[WORD]: Changed word or words, either by a thesaurus or my own discretion. These are often noted with brackets "[ ]".
[OPTIONAL]: More personal opinion than actual error. Usually applied to more subjective changes.
[FINAL NOTES]: A summary of all my comments made.
[MARK]: Note to myself to add reasons/examples for highlighting.
She broke the 4th dimension!
Sorry, I couldn't resist!