• Member Since 15th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 15th, 2021


A dood from the west. I'm not a brony anymore and I haven't posted here since I was teenager, but I hope you enjoy the few stories I managed to finish back then!

More Blog Posts48

  • 565 weeks
    “Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.”

    Hey everypony, as you know I'm BronyDerp117. I've been a brony for about 15 months and I've been a member on FiM Fiction for around 14 months. Well, I'm making this blog post to tell you goodbye.

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    8 comments · 731 views
  • 588 weeks

    I finished editing Isn't It Great To Be Different! I fixed a good amount of grammar errors and I added a few details here and there. Nothing that changes the plot, just a few details here and there that I felt I should add. It's really nothing to re-read over, in case you're wondering.

    And I'm keeping the title the same.

    0 comments · 471 views
  • 589 weeks
    Editing "Isn't It Great To Be Different?" And Thank You

    So, I'm gonna go through "Isn't It Great To Be Different?" and fix the many, many, painfully many grammar errors. I'll also be adding bits and pieces here and there as I write. I may do it all tonight or it might take a few days. I also might be changing the title. How do you guys like the name "A Different Gold" ?

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    6 comments · 553 views
  • 592 weeks
    Updates And Inspiration(More Like A Ramble, Actually)

    Hey guys, I have some updates/news. It's good, don't worry.

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    0 comments · 425 views
  • 594 weeks
    I Edited Gray Rainbow... Again

    Yes, yes, I know, "BronyDerp! Stahp freakin' editing the damn thing and making me re-read it!" Sorry D:

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    0 comments · 379 views

Odd Inspiring Songs · 4:10am Feb 8th, 2013

I've been writing for four hours and have decided to take a little break. I give to you guys something random:

What songs do you find are oddly inspiring to you? Inspiring you to make other music, art, writing, etc. For me, Chapter Four by Avenged Sevenfold is oddly inspiring to me. It actually gave me an idea for a fan fiction that I'll write when I'm done with all the freaking stories I have right now.
Here's the song:

So, what songs do you think are oddly inspiring?

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