Important! · 6:53pm Jan 28th, 2013
Incoming message from Clueless and Listener!
Clueless: I’m excited. Are you excited, listener?
Listener: Well duh. I was really excited when you suggested this collab, why wouldn’t I? So, what did we do this time Clue?
Clueless: We wrote Ponywords™! And they were great! We got Chapter 1 AND 2 done! We’re so good at this. We should be professional authors.
Listener: Yeah, it would be really cool to do that, but we should keep track of the chapters better. I have a question though. Why did you want a collab with me?
Clueless: It was a trick to get into your pants.
Listener: :O My pants are shut. Awkward moment aside, do we want to explain this?
Clueless: I’ll woo you outta’ them soon. So, what we have is a collab. But not just any collab, no! It is THE most amazing collab in the history of collabs. Unless Shakespeare collabed with Edgar Allan Poe or something.
Listener: So, optimistic much? It will be awesome, and it will be epic. But IMHO, Shakespeare is really weird sometimes. But yes, this is a collab. One that we’ve worked, oh... five days?
Clueless: Yeah, about that long. How long do you think it’ll be, Listener? I kind of want it to turn into one of those long epics. The type bards sing about.
Listener: I can see it now! The future is full of people singing stories because they can!
Clueless: For your information, they totally did in the past. ...And will again in the future. Stop being so sarcastic, it’s not very attractive.
Listener: You know you like it. :P Actually, it may be happening now because time is a wibbly-wobbly ball of twine. Or something like that.
Clueless: It’s a Wibbly Wobbly Ball of Timey-Wimey stuff. Geez, Listener, get it together.
Listener: Really? Okay, before this devolves into me and him going at each other, can we give them any spoilers?
Clueless: The Doctor? Doctor Who? Oh, yeah, him! We wrote a story about him! And Daleks, and ponies! The best three things in this universe, and probably other universes, too.
Listener: Perhaps we’ll even get to go to those other universes!
Clueless: But probably not. Stop teasing the readers.
Listener: Wouldn’t think of it. But for now, every possibility is open to us!
Clueless: Then why did you reject my idea for tree sharks?
Listener: You were serious? Besides, just because it’s open doesn't mean we have to use it.
Clueless: We’re rambling, aren’t we? Back to business! This is important! Be on the lookout, as Who is coming back, really, really soon!
Listener: Hell, even as we wrote this, we got word from the moderator!
Clueless: It was rejected. We forgot a tag. We resubmitted. So... yeah.
Listener: Should we wrap this up then?
Clueless: But I don’t like endings...
Listener: Maybe a sequel. No! I didn’t say that. :)
Clueless: Don’t tease them about that. They haven’t even read the first yet, they don’t care.
Listener: Fine.
Clueless: On to stories! Allons-y!
Listener: And now you can stop with those blogs... Bye everyone!
I wasn't expecting this at all! Who is this person masquerading as me? I demand justice!