• Member Since 26th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 27th, 2013

Clueless Listener

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  • 628 weeks

    Incoming message from Clueless and Listener!


    Clueless: I’m excited. Are you excited, listener?

    Listener: Well duh. I was really excited when you suggested this collab, why wouldn’t I? So, what did we do this time Clue?

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  • 628 weeks
    We're excited!

    Who's excited? We are! And you should be too! The two greatest authors of the century (Clue and Listener) are teaming up to bring you the most action packed, timey-wimey story you have ever seen!

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Important! · 6:53pm Jan 28th, 2013

Incoming message from Clueless and Listener!


Clueless: I’m excited. Are you excited, listener?

Listener: Well duh. I was really excited when you suggested this collab, why wouldn’t I? So, what did we do this time Clue?

Clueless: We wrote Ponywords™! And they were great! We got Chapter 1 AND 2 done! We’re so good at this. We should be professional authors.

Listener: Yeah, it would be really cool to do that, but we should keep track of the chapters better. I have a question though. Why did you want a collab with me?

Clueless: It was a trick to get into your pants.

Listener: :O My pants are shut. Awkward moment aside, do we want to explain this?

Clueless: I’ll woo you outta’ them soon. So, what we have is a collab. But not just any collab, no! It is THE most amazing collab in the history of collabs. Unless Shakespeare collabed with Edgar Allan Poe or something.

Listener: So, optimistic much? It will be awesome, and it will be epic. But IMHO, Shakespeare is really weird sometimes. But yes, this is a collab. One that we’ve worked, oh... five days?

Clueless: Yeah, about that long. How long do you think it’ll be, Listener? I kind of want it to turn into one of those long epics. The type bards sing about.

Listener: I can see it now! The future is full of people singing stories because they can!

Clueless: For your information, they totally did in the past. ...And will again in the future. Stop being so sarcastic, it’s not very attractive.

Listener: You know you like it. :P Actually, it may be happening now because time is a wibbly-wobbly ball of twine. Or something like that.

Clueless: It’s a Wibbly Wobbly Ball of Timey-Wimey stuff. Geez, Listener, get it together.

Listener: Really? Okay, before this devolves into me and him going at each other, can we give them any spoilers?

Clueless: The Doctor? Doctor Who? Oh, yeah, him! We wrote a story about him! And Daleks, and ponies! The best three things in this universe, and probably other universes, too.

Listener: Perhaps we’ll even get to go to those other universes!

Clueless: But probably not. Stop teasing the readers.

Listener: Wouldn’t think of it. But for now, every possibility is open to us!

Clueless: Then why did you reject my idea for tree sharks?

Listener: You were serious? Besides, just because it’s open doesn't mean we have to use it.

Clueless: We’re rambling, aren’t we? Back to business! This is important! Be on the lookout, as Who is coming back, really, really soon!

Listener: Hell, even as we wrote this, we got word from the moderator!

Clueless: It was rejected. We forgot a tag. We resubmitted. So... yeah.

Listener: Should we wrap this up then?

Clueless: But I don’t like endings...

Listener: Maybe a sequel. No! I didn’t say that. :)

Clueless: Don’t tease them about that. They haven’t even read the first yet, they don’t care.

Listener: Fine.

Clueless: On to stories! Allons-y!

Listener: And now you can stop with those blogs... Bye everyone!

Report Clueless Listener · 369 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

I wasn't expecting this at all! Who is this person masquerading as me? I demand justice!

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