• Member Since 19th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 1st, 2013


More Blog Posts23

  • 599 weeks
    Gamer girlfriends

    Well for a while now I've had a girlfriend, who is also a gamer. But let me tell you gentlemen, it's not what you'd expect at all. Having a gamer girlfriend may seem like a dream, but when she spends more time on video games and is hardly even interested in you it get's real depressing real soon.

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    1 comments · 430 views
  • 606 weeks
    A new story maybe?

    So I've been playing with this idea, of Advanced Magic Academy in an alternate universe humanized version, Naturally there will be "you" Twilight, trixie and 3 new characters in total and the story would be different... Buuut, let me know what you guys think. Or should I write another trollfic?

    1 comments · 320 views
  • 607 weeks

    I can't find the phone, better buy a new one.
    ~ my dad.

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  • 610 weeks
    Well fuck you to then.

    Not trying to be a dick or anything, but yesterday I gave someone an awesome gift, and I didn't even get a thank you. No idea why I share this on fimfiction but still.

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  • 610 weeks

    Prepare yourselves for GAK fics

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Gamer girlfriends · 3:35pm Jan 26th, 2013

Well for a while now I've had a girlfriend, who is also a gamer. But let me tell you gentlemen, it's not what you'd expect at all. Having a gamer girlfriend may seem like a dream, but when she spends more time on video games and is hardly even interested in you it get's real depressing real soon.

Learn from my mistake, if you get a gamer girlfriend who spends more time on video games then you, break up.

Report SosukeRyou · 430 views ·
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