Apologies for wait · 9:55pm Jan 23rd, 2013
I have a... Personal promise of sorts to update this as quickly as I can what time I can dedicate to it.
I've been slacking a little with it and haven't used the time I can in the best way possible.
It's a terrible feeling when you feel you're failing yourself!
I'm probably (Most likely) over reacting with this. I usually over react to things. Like... Well, lots of things.
But I have gotten to about 3500 words with the penultimate chapter and I've got the digs on what I want to do so I should (If I can!) have something by Sunday(ish).
It all depends on how long I have to spend on other things (Such as removing the dye which my totally super best friends dyed my hair with. Blue is a nice look, but I don't like looking like a pond.) and how much time I can dedicate to writing.
But I promise you.
Then you'll be one step closer to your endings!
You know, it's a worse feeling knowing someone thinks their failing themselves. NO. NO NO NO.

The stories are made by people, at their own pace. You take as much time as you need for the story, and stop blaming yourself, you'll feel worse. Btw blue hair is awesome, regardless. Good luck!
Take your time, Hone your craft. Develop the characters and story until you're satisfyed.
I do try, I really do.
I just can't help the feeling!
I usually end up taking the time that's needed and are quite happy with the time I did it in, but I feel slow beforehand!
Next thing on my list of things to do:
Battle the physiological demon that is self doubt.
Thank you for the encouragement!
746668 No problem.
Happy to help.