• Member Since 31st Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 19th, 2023

The Rar

More Blog Posts10

  • 573 weeks
    Story of hiatus for further notice

    I'll make this brief.

    I simply don't have time anymore to dedicate to this, so I'm going to have to cut it for the foreseeable future.


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  • 573 weeks
    Sorry about the delay

    My oh my, I didn't realise until I checked a few minutes ago that it's been bang on a month since I updated a story.
    Time has escaped me! And as we all should know, time is important.
    However, I've got something prepared now. Four thousand words-ish.

    Sorry about taking so long xD

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  • 577 weeks
    New story (It's done.)

    Hey there.
    I've actually gotten round to writing another fan fiction.
    It's not published properly yet, but I thought I'd let anyone who's interested read it now.
    This should work, and I hope it does.


    Check it out if you want. It's still not totally final (That's why I haven't submitted it yet.), so feel free to comment on anything.

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  • 596 weeks
    I love the rain

    And I mean love it.

    In case you don't know, I live in the United Kingdom, a place known for its not so sunny weather.
    In fact... I recall the area I'm living in being one of the wettest? I don't know. Anyway.
    Many people find the rain horrible and depressing, but I find it simply amazing. I don't know why, but it calms me.

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    1 comments · 347 views
  • 614 weeks
    *Claws way out of grave*

    Phew! Don't worry, I'm not dead, I'm just incredibly busy!
    But... Free time is mine once more, and I've put some towards writing :D
    Just an update blog, letting you know that I'm not infact dead, and that I'll be putting something out quite soon.

    Oh... and... Introduction of Wormholers is writen :P

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I love the rain · 9:48pm Sep 9th, 2013

And I mean love it.

In case you don't know, I live in the United Kingdom, a place known for its not so sunny weather.
In fact... I recall the area I'm living in being one of the wettest? I don't know. Anyway.
Many people find the rain horrible and depressing, but I find it simply amazing. I don't know why, but it calms me.
I love watching it out my window, I love the coolness that comes with it, and hell, I'd even fuck up my hair to be in it! It's an incredibly therapeutic thing for me.
So much so, that it got me past my writing block (As well as numerous others).

I'm in full swing with Wormholers, and I predict something coming soon!

Report The Rar · 347 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

You know I love the rain too :heart: I live in a very rainy area in germany. I still remember how my mother showed me the rain for the first time back when i was a child. I loved it when i was heading home from school with my bike and saw that it was soon going to rain very heavy. :pinkiehappy: and my father always offered me a towel because i was soaking wet from the drive :pinkiesad2: wonderful memories.

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