• Member Since 31st Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 19th, 2023

The Rar

More Blog Posts10

  • 572 weeks
    Story of hiatus for further notice

    I'll make this brief.

    I simply don't have time anymore to dedicate to this, so I'm going to have to cut it for the foreseeable future.


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  • 572 weeks
    Sorry about the delay

    My oh my, I didn't realise until I checked a few minutes ago that it's been bang on a month since I updated a story.
    Time has escaped me! And as we all should know, time is important.
    However, I've got something prepared now. Four thousand words-ish.

    Sorry about taking so long xD

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  • 577 weeks
    New story (It's done.)

    Hey there.
    I've actually gotten round to writing another fan fiction.
    It's not published properly yet, but I thought I'd let anyone who's interested read it now.
    This should work, and I hope it does.


    Check it out if you want. It's still not totally final (That's why I haven't submitted it yet.), so feel free to comment on anything.

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  • 596 weeks
    I love the rain

    And I mean love it.

    In case you don't know, I live in the United Kingdom, a place known for its not so sunny weather.
    In fact... I recall the area I'm living in being one of the wettest? I don't know. Anyway.
    Many people find the rain horrible and depressing, but I find it simply amazing. I don't know why, but it calms me.

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    1 comments · 346 views
  • 614 weeks
    *Claws way out of grave*

    Phew! Don't worry, I'm not dead, I'm just incredibly busy!
    But... Free time is mine once more, and I've put some towards writing :D
    Just an update blog, letting you know that I'm not infact dead, and that I'll be putting something out quite soon.

    Oh... and... Introduction of Wormholers is writen :P

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New story in the making · 4:35pm Jan 19th, 2013

Ok, so because I'm drawing near to the finish of Emotion Not Found, I've been mulling over and writing notes on what to do next.

Two ideas are past consideration and into the development phase.

Oh, I might need to explain how I work.
The way I work is much like Twilight really. I love my lists and notes. So when it comes to writing a chapter I write a list of what’s basically supposed to happen that chapter, use that as a skeleton and build upon the twelve or so points I put for each chapter.
When I was writing the first chapter of Emotion Not Found, I did exactly the same thing I'm doing with the other stories.
I wrote a skeleton on the introduction.
Any skeletons that I like (Yep, I just said that.) I flesh out and go a little deeper. Characters, locations, possible plots etc...
I've so far narrowed it down to two skeletons.

"Hoppers" (Title sounds Meh in my opinion. Need to think on that.)
Based on this image...

Four dimension jumping delegate mercenaries in search of assistance with the war back home jump backsides blazing from a less than successful negotiation into Equestria.
Jumping devices missing or broke and in desperate need of aid, they wander the land searching for civilisation. They find it.
The mercenaries, after a group vote, elect to stay and gather as much assistance from the inhabitants as possible.
But, their previous host dimension wasn't all too pleased with the behaviour of their guests and come with a blood lust for revenge.

And the other...

"Warriors of the World"
I really haven't worked out a description as such, but it's a Warhammer 40K cross.
I’ve got nothing more for that one besides what it is.

I’ll probably be doing Hoppers though.
40K Is a very interesting world but I don’t think I’d be able to do one without completely throwing Lore out of the window (And if I’m doing a crossover, I try to stick to Lore as much as possible).

Report The Rar · 315 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

That looks like a fun story.:pinkiesmile:

It's a good concept honestly. In fact, do both if you can! :pinkiegasp: Go for it!

Still beating the rough edges out of both of them... But, I think I have some plans in my head for a 40K cross.
We'll see.
I'll try to get something out for both of them.

At the moment I plan to have more... Loose characters in the intended story. So fun will be a very big possibility.

735469 Best of wishes to you then. :twilightsmile:

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