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  • Today
    How About Some Marvel Story's guys?

    Title says it all, I'm just gonna give you a quick list of fun story ideas that involve Spike going through or teaming up with some of the heroes of the Marvel universe, some are pretty fun from what I've been planning out, and please let me know what your thoughts are with what ideas I have for them!

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  • Tuesday
    Ideas for My Ninjago Story

    Hey guys I hope your having a good day, I was just wanting to make a blog that gives you all some ideas that I'm gonna do for my Ninjago story: Spike the Spinjitzu Master, not only will these ideas involve some characters like Spike, his Serpentine daughter Allison, and Kai in ways, as well as another character I'm gonna get too, but it'll also help make the story stand out a bit more then in the

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  • 6 days
    Super Spike Galaxy, First look!

    Hey guys hope your having a good day so far! I just wanted to post all of you another first look at a new story I'm making, Super Spike Galaxy! As the title implies, it's about Spike going through the Mario Galaxy games. And it's a story I'm looking forward to making!

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  • 1 week
    I'm on a break

    Hey guys I hope your having a good day so far, I was just coming in to give you an update on stuff currently happening right now. Sorry I haven't posted a new chapter in one of my stories since Monday, but I thought it would just be best for me to take a break for the week, I've had a lot of stories to work on, and I just wanted to rest for a bit. I'm gonna get back into working on them this

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  • 1 week
    Just A Simple Question For You All

    Title says it all. And the question simply is: What is the worst episode of MLP for you? Common question I know, but I was interested in hearing some of your guys's opinions because we all can agree not every episode of that show is perfect. For me, Father Knows Beast is the worst episode with how it lies on a huge question that we all had for so long, and the fact that no one after that episode

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Kung fu Panda Story ideas · 10:46pm April 7th

Hey guys hope your having a good day today, this blog post is just gonna give you some of my ideas i have planned for my Kung Fu panda story, some of those include a few tweaks to the 2nd and 3rd movie to include Spike in them, and how i can include a show like Dragon Knight, and my ideas on how to rewrite Kung Fu panda 4 to make it good for the story, i hope you like them and let me know your thoughts!

Alright so i have a few ideas for the second movie to help include Spike in them, when Spike, Po and the 5 try and save the village from those bandits, when Po is stunned up and sees the vision of his mom, Spike goes with him to learn about Po's past and is stunned to know it, during the journey to stop Shen, when the scene on the boat happens, Spike talks to Po about he's lucky to even have memories of his mother, as he doesn't even know who his own parents or family were, even with people like Viper, he never had any knowledge of his parents, and it gives him and Po more to relate with. And during the scene where Shen shoots Po with the cannon, not only does Shen tear into Po about the how his parents didn't love him, but he tears into Spike to by saying that if he doesn't even know who they are, then he must be a pathetic child for not even his own parents to want, Shen would say something like this after hearing the story's of where he came from.

"You really think your special huh? Always spending time with people that you could call a family, when you never knew your real one. You must be really pathetic to not even be wanted by your family or even remember them, especially if you were abandoned as an egg, if that is true, then you must be so pathetic that even your own family didn't want you, at least i knew who my family was.. even if they hated me.. would that be enough for you? Knowing your own family hated you.."

I think a line like that could cut through Spike pretty deep given he barely knows anything about his family or kind, and i think Spike and Po defeating Shen together after accepting Inner Peace would help be impactful, especially if it means Spike accepting that if he doesn't know who his parents were, it's okay, because he's got Viper and the 5 as his family now, even showing to be more of a family then what Twilight was, i think it would be a great way to include Spike in the 2nd movie and would make Po and Spike really relate to eachother, let me know what else you think of it please, i'd love to hear about it!

And taking place after the 2nd movie, we would finally dive into the Dragon Knight, since i think it taking place in between the 2nd and 3rd movie would work for different reasons, 1, Po doesn't have the staff he had at the end of 3 which could either mean it's under special protection, or he hasn't earned it yet. 2, Po's father wasn't seen or mentioned in the series at all, which would mean he hasn't come to the valley yet. And a reason why the 5 except for Viper wouldn't be in the show, would be because they went on missions throughout China and had to separate, while Viper stayed with Spike since she and her would be dating at the time. While the show does start off okay and get great by the end, i think including at least 1 or 2 of the 5 would've helped it more, especially if Tigress came along to develop more, i think the time between the 2nd movie, this show and the 3rd one would definitely help with establishing a timeline.

And for the 3rd movie, it would not just start off with Po's father arriving at the Valley, but Spike's sister that he never who he had, and who is that sister? Smolder. ( Spoilers ahead for ideas on Spike's family)

In this universe, Smolder is actually Spike's sister instead, and after Spike and Po defeated Shen, she also got the universal message and went with Po's father, because she was living at the Panda village after she learned of the Panda genocide Shen caused, and was sent by her parents to protect them. So not only will Spike be going with Po to the village with her, Viper will too after they've become almost inseparable so they could all bond as a family. For they're parents, Spike and Smolder's parents would be extremely experienced Kung fu master's in this story too, but they are Spirit Warriors, they were sworn to protect the Spirit Realm and all that threaten it, so by the end of the 3rd movie, Spike and Smolder have a family talk with them and Spike learns why he was sent to Equestria first, then came to China, they have a real family bond that makes Spike finally know who he was and why he came here, and they swear to see eachother one day, leading not only Spike and Po to know who they are, but Smolder joining the family and becoming closer to her brother.

And for people like Kai, while he is a good villain, he's a bit weak as a character.. despite having the coolest theme song ever. I think a small tweak i could give him, is that instead of him just suddenly wanting the power to himself, he wouldn't just be a brother in arm to Oogway, he would've also been his very first student, who after using what he was taught to take other's power and slowly becomes evil, Oogway was forced to put a stop to him and banish him to the Sprit Realm, and Kai swore not just to get back at his former master slash friend, but also to prove he's the best student Oogway had, and that even Shifu or Po and Spike wouldn't defeat, i think a small tweak like that would help him be better as a character, while still keeping the awesome theme song.

Alright, now onto the 4th movie, i think a major thing i should do is that at the start, it would open with a scene of Zhen sneaking into the palace to steal Oogway's staff, in this version, Po's staff would be taken from him and would be one of the first things to make things better, because the staff is extremely overpowered and Po always could use it which took a lot of the stakes away, so not having it would already make it better since it's something extremely dangerous and powerful he has to get back. After a hard but successful mission of stealing the staff and Zhen gives it to the Chameleon, and she uses her sorcery to bypass the staff to use it's power, and the movie opens with Tai Lung being summoned like before, and the scene shows him taking down all her men like before, but when the Chameleon takes Tai Lung's power and weakens him, she decides he's of no use to them, and he is tossed into a river to either die, or just live on with shame if he survives.

After that scene, the scene show's Spike, and Po taking down that monster together like the first movie, and Smolder joins in to help them fight too with Viper, after that victory, the rest of the 5 get back after the mission's they were on like in the movie originally, and while they're glad to be back, they've been receiving reports of some monster attacking the villages, and they haven't gotten a clue onto who it is. Once Spike and Po return to the hall of warriors to discuss it, they encounter Zhen like in the movie too, and after defeating her, she is put in prison for a year for trying to steal valuable items, but unlike the movie, she'll be in there for a bit longer.

Because after that fight, Spike, Po, Smolder and the 5 all receive news that Shifu has gone missing, and was presumably kidnapped, and this is followed by the reports of Tai Lung being seen attacking a nearby village. And while some the 5 go to investigate where Shifu was last seen, Spike and his group go to the village that was attacked to investigate as well, but when they arrive, they are greeted with a town that's almost burned and destroyed, and upon seeing the destruction and no known survivors, a loud roar catches their attention, and after seeing something jump through the fire, it is revealed to be.. Tai Lung... or so they think.

After a really tough fight with the fake Tai Lung, they all say it was impossible that he should be back, and the Chameleon responds with a simple line.
"Poor fools, you have no idea what's possible!" She then shifts into something that shocks them even more, she shifts into Shen, who is known to be long dead at this point, but during that phase of attack, the REAL Tai Lung jumps in to try and take her down after surviving being thrown away like trash, but while he tries to get back at her, he is too weak to fight after losing his power, and is taken down easily, the fake Shen mocks all of them for being weak and vanishes away which leaves all of them confused.

After the shock of a fake Tai Lung turning into Shen, and seeing the real Tai Lung is alive, he is taken into the village for interrogation, and after subtle hints of who did this to him, followed by some mocking insults, they realize that Zhen knows something, and also about Shifu disappearing, and they learn from Zhen that it was the Chameleon, and after striking a deal with her to let her go in exchange for her taking them to the Chameleon, Spike, Smolder, Po and the 5 all go out on a journey to stop her, even Tai Lung comes to get revenge after what he did much to their reluctance of letting him join, and that helps begin the start of an actual character arc.

That's the basic synopsis for the 4th movie and what i plan for the rest of the series, but i think this would be really cool. Zhen will still be like how she is in the movie, but she will have more to her as a character, and the same will be with the Chameleon, i'll give more details on her backstory when i come up with something, i'll make a second blog post about this and my ideas for the 4th movie when i finish them, or maybe i'll add them here we'll see. But i'd like to know what you think, should i have the 5 come with Spike and his group too, or should it just be Viper while the other's are on the missions like stated before, i think this can improve the movie in areas in terms of pacing, and i really hope you all liked these ideas. Please feel free to leave me your suggestions in the comments and have a great day guys!

Report Dragonfan101 · 407 views ·
Comments ( 15 )

Really loving these ideas for future Kung Fu Panda movies/series, especially cool dragon girl as cooler dragon sib to purple drake, that one rocks!:moustache:

Really wished those additions you have in mind for Chameleon would have been done in the movie proper, at least Zhen was cool in there! :ajsmug:

And taking place after the 2nd movie, we would finally dive into the Dragon Knight, since i think it taking place in between the 2nd and 3rd movie would work for different reasons, 1, Po doesn't have the staff he had at the end of 3 which could either mean it's under special protection, or he hasn't earned it yet. 2, Po's father wasn't seen or mentioned in the series at all, which would mean he hasn't come to the valley yet. And a reason why the 5 except for Viper wouldn't be in the show, would be because they went on missions throughout China and had to separate, while Viper stayed with Spike since she and her would be dating at the time. While the show does start off okay and get great by the end, i think including at least 1 or 2 of the 5 would've helped it more, especially if Tigress came along to develop more, i think the time between the 2nd movie, this show and the 3rd one would definitely help with establishing a timeline.

Honestly, I think the Dragon Knight arc would work better if all the members of the Furious Five joined Po, Spike and Luthera on their globe-trotting adventure to find the Tianshang Weapons.

And for people like Kai, while he is a good villain, he's a bit weak as a character.. despite having the coolest theme song ever. I think a small tweak i could give him, is that instead of him just suddenly wanting the power to himself, he wouldn't just be a brother in arm to Oogway, he would've also been his very first student, who after using what he was taught to take other's power and slowly becomes evil, Oogway was forced to put a stop to him and banish him to the Sprit Realm, and Kai swore not just to get back at his former master slash friend, but also to prove he's the best student Oogway had, and that even Shifu or Po and Spike wouldn't defeat, i think a small tweak like that would help him be better as a character, while still keeping the awesome theme song.

I think Kai was already a villain in the past even though he had some good traits like how he and Oogway were close friends, and he only became worse when he learned more about Chi and Oogway reformed himself.

Alright, now onto the 4th movie, i think a major thing i should do is that at the start, it would open with a scene of Zhen sneaking into the palace to steal Oogway's staff, in this version, Po's staff would be taken from him and would be one of the first things to make things better, because the staff is extremely overpowered and Po always could use it which took a lot of the stakes away, so not having it would already make it better since it's something extremely dangerous and powerful he has to get back. After a hard but successful mission of stealing the staff and Zhen gives it to the Chameleon, and she uses her sorcery to bypass the staff to use it's power, and the movie opens with Tai Lung being summoned like before, and the scene shows him taking down all her men like before, but when the Chameleon takes Tai Lung's power and weakens him, she decides he's of no use to them, and he is tossed into a river to either die, or just live on with shame if he survives.

One small tweak I would do is have not only Tai Lung return, but also Shen and Kai as a way to up the stakes a bit, just to hammer home how dangerous the Chameleon really is.

Edit: I found a video that remakes the Chameleon's origin story, but the subtitles are in Spanish. So I'll provide you English translations:

"A long time ago, in a small and distant valley, a little chameleon was born. The youngest daughter of a powerful family, focused on a vocation: Kung Fu. For generations, everyone in the family ended up being great students, but Princess Gongzhu. She wasn't born with the great abilities of her family, so she tried something else... Sorcery. She studied magic for weeks, and the princess had never felt so satisfied with her progress in combat. But her father looked at her with contempt. He marked his daughter as a cheater, that her magic did not belong in his family's history. Gongzhu's joy faded, and furious, she confronted her father. She yelled at him everything she felt, that she was not loved, that she was despised, that his love for her was not enough, until her father got fed up and gave her the choice between her magic or staying in the family. The princess decided, and little by little she moved away from her home, leaving behind her parents and siblings. But promising one thing... that she was going to learn Kung Fu of sorcery, and that she was going to be the strongest and most powerful of all..."

I wonder if Spike will also be hit by the Cannon as po was.

OK I get there were some things about kung fu panda 4 you wish were in it, but this is crazy. It’s like a total rehash.

I know, but this is kinda what a lot of the people wanted to see from this movie, there was a ton promised with this movie like the returning villains and the Chameleon, but it all just did not live up to expectations on top of the movie being only an hour and 20 minutes, followed by Mike Mitchell making the movie mostly comedy and barely having any emotional stuff to it, i'm wanting to try and give the people what they wanted from the movie, while still paying respect to it. I mean, Mike Mitchell from what i've heard, intended on making the movie a live action cgi hybrid! And the animators and writers really fought against that because that idea was awful to them, and it's on top of the co director and writer wanting it to be more like the 1st and 2nd with it's storytelling. If these rumors turn out to be true, then it just shows Mike Mitchell cannot handle a franchise like this if he just focuses on comedy and makes.. whatever the hell that would've been, I'm just trying to rewrite the movie just enough so it can be how people like me and others expected it should've been, even if i kept the plot the same, Spike and Smolder wouldn't add much too it, in fact they may be like Po's dads in areas where they don't matter to the story, i'm just wanting to change some things around so the 4th movie could be better.

Yeah, but I don’t know about Thai lung joining the heroes.

Maybe have Tai Lung being taught by Oogway during the years he was in the spirit realm where he got reformed?

Why not have the Chameleon shapeshift into Spike for round 5 of the final battle?

For Kung Fu Panda 4, maybe this can be a scene.

This takes place when Chameleon tells her motive.

Spike: Wait. That's it?
Chameleon: Hmm?
Spike: That's your reason? That's why you are doing all this? Because you got rejected for your height?! Are you for real?!
Chameleon: I see you understand.
Spike: Only thing I understand is that is the most STUPIDEST reason I've ever heard! And I knw someone who nearly wrecked a timeline becuase her best friend moved away and she blamed Cutie Marks!
Chameleon: What?!
Spike: All this because you were rejected for your height?! Are you serious?! You do realise that we have Master MANTIS as part of the Five right?! And Viper is someone with no legs! Hell, Po is a chubby panda and he's the Dragon Warrior! For crying out loud, I was a short, chubby dragon before I came here! And you're wanting to rule China because of you were rejected for being short?! Come on! I thought you were banished by your family or made an exile by a city! Not...THIS!

That's literally everyone's thoughts when they heard her backstory lol!

Yeah. One of the reasons why Kung Fu Panda 4 wasn't as successful as the last three. How would you change her backstory?

I'll send you a PM soon to give you more detail, i gotta go out for lunch in just a bit so i'll let you know soon.


Well, technically, it’s not far-fetched I mean, remember in secrets of the scrolls shifu didn’t accept the five at first because of mantis’ height, vipers’ lack of limbs, and overall not being the warriors he wanted to fight with (who were essentially clones of himself). It actually seems a recurrent trend for kung-fu masters in this universe to be rather close-minded about their styles and approaches, just the Jade Palace warriors learned better due to their experiences with Po.


So did you guys read what I wrote?

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