• Member Since 28th Aug, 2016
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Flora Blossom

Original character writer. (OC)

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Ladies and gentlemen big news!!!! · 4:21pm April 5th

My new bought oc from KaenaShepard which was 10pt adoptable

So I couldn't pass up an operatunity.

3 songs are out now

playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OO6tVTaYcU&list=PL0Jp99Ar3Ff5Ylp3URDWynL9iXPeRxob2

Will this get a background story? Yes!

If you don't want to go to youtube you can find the music in this place FIM fiction link below.
My Little Reviews & Feedback
My little reviews and Feedbacks has the 3 musical videos on it's celebration of 500 members.

Report Flora Blossom · 117 views · #news #oc #new story
Comments ( 2 )

Isn't she a cute one? I like it a lot!!


ty it's going towards pg for the artist to read it too so NO NSFW

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