• Member Since 24th Mar, 2024
  • offline last seen July 8th



More Blog Posts4

  • 4 weeks
    Revision Time!

    I have come to see that much of the first few chapters in AGTMAIU are kind of clunky and I don't want them to be anymore. I'll rework them so that you don't have to wait a year for an update tho.
    Love you guys!

    Also I'm adding the fucking profanity tag

    0 comments · 14 views
  • 16 weeks
    "Aevum's Guide to Magic and Its Uses" description overhaul.

    Heya guys!
    I just wanted to let you know that I have completely overhauled the descriptions and cover of Aevum's Guide to Magic and Its Uses in an effort to make the story more attractive in general, and not the mess that it was previously. Let me know what you think!

    - Squ\id

    1 comments · 55 views
  • 17 weeks
    Sands of Time Update

    Hey guys, so I'm in the process of editing chapter two, and I decided to change the name of my story to: "Aevum's Guide to Magic and Its Uses." It's named after Aevum's journal, pages of which will be featured at least once per chapter.
    See ya!

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  • 17 weeks
    Sands of Time

    New story I'm working on. It's about an ancient Alicorn who has basically skipped 3,000 years but only ages a day. He then gets released into the wild like a pigeon on drugs.

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Sands of Time · 5:07am March 25th

New story I'm working on. It's about an ancient Alicorn who has basically skipped 3,000 years but only ages a day. He then gets released into the wild like a pigeon on drugs.

Report SplitSquid · 60 views · #Story
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