• Member Since 28th Aug, 2016
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Flora Blossom

Original character writer. (OC)

More Blog Posts232


Will I ever return? · 3:30am January 20th

Yes id say about 1-3 years or so when i cool down.... But I wont be Flora Blossom..... However it would be my next 2024 OC picture as the profile... so keep this in mind. Will I rejoin Reviwers and Feedbacks yes.... I'm in a lot of stress right now.... Where can you find me? I am not post to tell you.... but i do have my youtube.... with all my musics from my fiction theme!!!! it's in the link of the fiction when it says music by flora blossom.

I'll be doing 4 more blog post before i leave.... I will have 4 speeches.....

Report Flora Blossom · 119 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Which stories have theme music?

Sorry you have to leave for a while. Looking forward to your YT channel and hopeful soon return.


everything besides the secterts of the library


i will it might be 1 to 3 years from now....

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