• Member Since 20th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Neutral Boy

First time of writing my own stories on here since the first episode of my little pony friendship is magic.

More Blog Posts69

  • 38 weeks
    Happy Halloween Everyone!

    I hope that you've got some trick or treat visitors cause I didn't because of the damn snow outside.

    Enjoy your trick or treat candies, brush your teeth, and have an enjoyable holiday of Halloween stories.

    Smell ya later!

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  • 40 weeks
    Still alive + good/bad news today.

    Hey everyone, just wanting to tell you that I'm still alive and trying my best to keep on writing my stories & chapters. I keep going in back and forth from this site to Wattpad. Although, that's not the only reason that I'm telling you. Fair warning on what you'll be hearing from me cause it's going to get ugly. Earlier today between 4:30 to 5:30, I went to Meijers in order to check up on the

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    2 comments · 148 views
  • 56 weeks
    Still alive + good news.

    Hey there my fellow viewers, readers, followers, and authors. I'm still good and had to endure some crap over here at my home. Anyways, let me tell you all on a couple of good news here. Firstly though, I'll be working on one chapter, two, or three before the end of June since I'm sure that many of you are wanting to know on what happens next into my stories & chapters. Not going to say on which

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  • 62 weeks
    Happy Mother's Day + bad news.

    Firstly though, happy Mother's Day to every viewer, followers, and authors' family of spending time with our dearly mothers. The ones who have given birth to us younger generations and taking care for us every day, week, month, and years growing up. We'll always forever love our mothers, even if we do had some good and bad times. Plus, I have nothing to say for those other evil mothers for

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  • 64 weeks
    It's my birthday today in April!

    Hey guys, it's my birthday today!

    In honor of my day and the 300 followers of mine, I've decided to publish a special story crossover today.

    Please, feel free to leave a comment in my story and tell me of what do you think.

    Have a nice!

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Still alive + good/bad news today. · 3:42am Oct 14th, 2023

Hey everyone, just wanting to tell you that I'm still alive and trying my best to keep on writing my stories & chapters. I keep going in back and forth from this site to Wattpad. Although, that's not the only reason that I'm telling you. Fair warning on what you'll be hearing from me cause it's going to get ugly. Earlier today between 4:30 to 5:30, I went to Meijers in order to check up on the Pokémon cards & prices and taking a few pics on my phone of them. Next thing you, I got kicked out of Meijers by an employer or maybe a supervisor I'm not really sure. I literally don't know of what I did wrong in there. Apparently, the lady employer caught me taking a few pics of them a couple of times. I seriously don't know of what's wrong with her. I never even got caught in trouble of taking photos of Pokémon cards at Walmart and Meijers before. Not sure of what's her problem since she's a busy woman, but she also asked me of what the other photos on my phone were because she just thought that there other pics from Meijers. I honestly told her that they were from the comic stores and then she went on about something of rules, policies, or whatever and she thought that I was doing something terrible by breaking the rules. Then, the next thing that I know, she told me to get out of the store.

Like, serious woman, are you f******g kidding me? All I ever done at Meijers was to take a few pics of Pokémon cards & prices of them and you want to kick out a nice customer? I've only seen photos and videos of other people getting pics of them literally at stores like Walmart and Meijers then download them on sites. Why does she want me to delete them? Not only that, but because of that employee woman, I accidentally deleted a pic of one of the Pokémon glass shelves at a comic or card shop. After she told me to get out, I just had no choice of defending myself, but to get out and away from her. People, I really don't know on what to say at this point. To be honest, I got really pissed off from her and her bad vibing attitude towards me. It's not like I was using the photos for anything evil or stealing the cards inside the store. I only wanted to take a few pics of the Pokémon cards & prices on the shelves because I wasn't going to buy them yet. In the aftermath of this unexpected event, I'm not going near that store or inside until that crappy lady employer gets an ultimatum; Either on the one hand, she writes an apology letter and admits that she f*****d up on her own rules as an "EMPLOYEE" at Meijers or on the other hand, SHE'S FIRED!!! As far as I'm concerned, I don't want anything to do on going into that store or being around that f*****d up employee b**** ever again. I don't care if she tries to make amends with me or not, I'm just going to ignore her nor will I ever forgive her from what she just said to me at the store and I do hope that there will be consequences to that rude employer at Meijers. It's only a matter of time when karma comes biting in her ass and her job at Meijers is in jeopardy. Like I said once again; She either writes an apology letter and admits that she f*****d up on her own rules as an "EMPLOYEE" at Meijers or on the other hand, SHE'S FIRED!!!

Anyway, I hope that everyone's doing okay on October the 13th besides me of course.

I'm going to be busy of going onto a few sites and do some drawings & paintings for the Halloween event.

I'll see you guys later once I get back into working on my stories & chapters.

Report Neutral Boy · 148 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

I was thinking the same thing without the language.

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