• Member Since 10th Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen July 19th


Love to read, write and be awesome!!! It's very nice to meet you.

More Blog Posts649

  • 3 weeks
    Hope it wasn’t long

    I just posted another chapter of lost without love. I hope it wasn’t too long of a wait. Working on the next chapter now.

    0 comments · 28 views
  • 5 weeks
    It's been too long but I did it

    Lost Without Love finally got updated. I will try my best to finish my other stories. Hope you all enjoy.

    0 comments · 19 views
  • 12 weeks
    it has been some time

    I miss being on here a lot and writing. I have been busy with life and running my channel. I forgot about this for a while. Well, I started writing the stories again. So who knows, maybe some new chapters are coming soon.

    0 comments · 53 views
  • 30 weeks
    Amy's Lullaby | A Sonic Frontiers Song

    After 3/4 months, it is finally here. My first ever original song, Amy's Lullaby.

    2 comments · 62 views
  • 32 weeks
    Amy's Lullaby Teaser | A Sonic Frontiers Fan-made Song

    A teaser for my first ever original song, Amy's Lullaby! Coming Friday the 15th.

    0 comments · 53 views

I guess it's not over · 2:16am Jul 7th, 2023

So it seems my old Manger isn't letting it go and is trying to get me fired. I'm going to speak to our distant manager tomorrow. So, no new vids for a few days. Wish me luck.

Report AnnEldest · 45 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

Oh no, I hope for the best

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