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Phoenix Heart 27

"I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day."- Vincent Van Gogh

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Happy Father's Day · 6:46pm Jun 18th, 2023

Honestly....I haven't fully processed today yet....I've called my Grandaddies and my Papa. I've texted my sister's main BD earlier. I even called an old friend who was more like a pseudo step-father to me growing up (he didn't answer, yet I suppose he'll call back later). I've given my "uncle" his gift. Yet the one person I haven't contacted yet today....I can't...and I can never do so again....like I said, I haven't fully processed today yet. However for some reason these two Disney songs popped up in my recommended feed on YouTube earlier so, Imma just leave them here:

Excuse me...gonna go cry and eventually call my stepmother.

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