• Member Since 21st May, 2019
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Cody T Brony

A guy with autism who LOVES listening to music and likes other stuff, and yes I do like MLP FIM. I Can Dig It!

More Blog Posts32

  • 7 weeks
    Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town (Sung by characters from MLP: FIM)

    *Inspired by It’s a Pony Kind of Christmas album

    "The First Toymakers to the King" – Rarity, Choir

    "No More Toymakers to the King" – Starlight Glimmer, Trixie

    "Be Prepared to Pay" a.k.a. "If You Sit On My Lap Today" – Pinkie Pie, Choir

    "Put One Foot in Front of the Other" – Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Discord, The Mane 6, Choir

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    2 comments · 27 views
  • 7 weeks
    Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (Sung by characters from MLP: FIM)

    *Inspired by It’s a Pony Kind of Christmas album

    "Jingle Jingle Jingle" – Pinkie Pie

    "We Are Santa's Elves" – Choir

    "There's Always Tomorrow" – Fluttershy, Choir

    "We're a Couple of Misfits", "Fame and Fortune" – Applejack, Rainbow Dash

    "Silver and Gold" – Rarity

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    0 comments · 18 views
  • 11 weeks
    Live Your Story MLP Style

    (Chatting & Laughing)

    Twilight Sparkle: All right, here we go…

    A-one, A-two, one two three four!


    Twilight Sparkle:
    You defy the impossible
    Got a heart unstoppable
    You are more than ready, yeah

    Rainbow Dash:

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  • 17 weeks
    My, what a Happy Day (MLP ANG)

    (From Fun & Fancy Free)

    Sunny Starscout:
    My, what a happy day
    What a sunny sky
    Kind of makes you sigh in a happy way

    What a very merry day
    Here at Maretime Bay

    When your cares are light
    & your heart takes flight
    & you're swept away

    Zipp Storm:
    The air is sweet with clover

    Pipp Petals:
    The clouds are turning over

    Pipp & Zipp:

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  • 17 weeks
    My, what a Happy Day (MLP FIM)

    (From Fun & Fancy Free)

    My, what a happy day
    What a sunny sky
    Kind of makes you sigh in a happy way

    What a very merry day
    All the world is gay

    Fluttershy & Rarity:
    When your cares are light
    And your heart takes flight
    And you're swept away

    The air is sweet with apple

    Rainbow Dash:

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Only Us Songfic (Sandbar X Yona) · 8:29am Apr 20th, 2023

(The Treehouse of Harmony. The remains of The Tree of Harmony. It was nighttime on a weekend as we see Gallus the Griffon, Silverstream the Hippogriff/Seapony, Smolder the Dragon, & Ocellus the Changeling hanging out at the treehouse, then 2 of their friends looking prim & proper enter, Sandbar the Earth Pony & Yona the Yak who just came back from a date.)

Sandbar: Hey guys, We’re back!

(Silverstream & Ocellus approach them.)

Ocellus: Welcome back you too!

Silverstream: (Squee) Did ya have fun? Did ya enjoy it? Did ya have the best of time!?

Sandbar: (chuckles) We sure did. Didn’t we Yona?

Yona: Yona indeed have best time with handsome earth pony!

Sandbar: (blushes) D’aww, thanks Yona.

(Gallus & Smolder join in.)

Smolder: I never imagined a pony & a yak together, but hey it don’t bother me none.

Gallus: I concur.

Yona: Thank you friends!

Sandbar: Yeah thanks guys! Now if you excuse us, we’re just gonna go outside & get some fresh air.

Yona: Oh yes, Me & Sandbar exhausted.

Gallus: Okay, go right ahead.

Ocellus: We’ll try to be as quiet as possible.

Sandbar: (smiles & nods)

(Sandbar & Yona go upstairs, then Smolder leans next to Gallus.)

Smolder: Ya thinkin’ what I’m thinkin’ Gallus?

Gallus: (nods) Uh-huh, I sure am. Let’s go.

(Gallus & Smolder fly towards the staircase when suddenly Silverstream cuts in.)

Silverstream: Hey you guys wanna see what Sandbar & Yona are doing? (whispering) We have to be really quiet like of course!

Gallus: (scratches his neck) Well uhh…

Smolder: That’s exactly what me & Gallus we’re thinking (looks at Gallus) right?

Gallus: Well yeah actually.

(Ocellus join’s the group)

Ocellus: Now wait a minute you guys, they just came back from a date, don’t you think we should leave them alone for a little while?

Smolder: Oh come on Ocellus! Yona & Sandbar have been hanging out together for a while now!

Silverstream: Yeah & they haven’t confessed their love for each other… well not yet I think.

Gallus: Anyway are you the least bit curious about all this?

(Ocellus think’s about it for a few seconds.)

Ocellus: Well… I am kinda curious.

Smolder: Well that’s a good enough answer to me! Now come on let’s go!

Ocellus: But as long as we keep quiet & stay hidden.

Silverstream: (whispers loudly) Way ahead of ya sister!

(The 4 friends make there way up the stairs & then the 2 of them hid behind 2 pillars with Smolder & Ocellus on the left & Silverstream & Gallus on the right.)

Gallus: (whispers) I wonder what there talking about?

Silverstream: (whispers) Pipe down! They’ll hear us!

(We see Sandbar & Yona gazing out at the beautiful night sky.)

Sandbar: It’s very beautiful tonight isn’t it?

Yona: (light blush) Yeah, it sure is.

Sandbar: & to think Princess Celestia & Princess Luna controlled the day & the night & now Principal Twilight will eventually take their place & then some.

Yona: Yes, things changing so quickly.

Sandbar: Indeed they are Yona. (looks at Yona) But at least we’ll be together more often.

Yona: (nods) Mm-hmm. As matter of fact… (blushing) Yona starting to have feelings for Sandbar.

Sandbar: (blushing) (smiles) Me too Yona. I’m feeling the same way. Despite everything that we’ve been through & all the mistakes that we’ve made, I think we’re still pretty awesome together.

Yona: Yeah, you me together forever (Sigh).

I don't need you to sell me on reasons to want you
I don't need you to search for the proof that I should
You don't have to convince me
You don't have to be scared you're not enough
'Cause what we've got going is good

I don't need more reminders of all that's been broken
I don't need you to fix what I'd rather forget
Clear the slate and start over
Try to quiet the noises in your head
We can't compete with all that

So what if it's us?
What if it's us
And only us
And what came before won't count anymore or matter?
Can we try that?

What if it's you
And what if it's me
And what if that's all that we need it to be
And the rest of the world falls away?
What do you say?

I never thought there'd be someone like you who would want me
So I give you ten thousand reasons to not let me go
But if you really see me
If you like me for me and nothing else
Well, that's all that I've wanted for longer than you could possibly know

So it can be us
It can be us
And only us
And what came before won't count anymore or matter
We can try that

[Sandbar & Yona:]
It's not so impossible

Nobody else but the two of us here

[Sandbar & Yona:]
'Cause you're saying it's possible

We can just watch the whole world disappear

[Sandbar & Yona:]
'Til you're the only one
I still know how to see

It's just you and me

It'll be us
It'll be us
And only us
And what came before won't count anymore

[Sandbar & Yona:]
We can try that
You and me
That's all that we need it to be
And the rest of the world falls away
And the rest of the world falls away

(The 4 friends look on & smile. Sandbar & Yona look into each other’s starry eyes.)

The world falls away
The world falls away
The world falls away
The world falls away
And it's only us

(They lean in & kiss each other on the lips & embrace at the same time. As Silverstream pretty much loses it, making her squee in sheer ecstasy.)

Silverstream: O, M, GOSH!!!

(Her voice was loud enough for Sandbar & Yona to hear & it made Gallus, Smolder, Ocellus fall to the floor making them dizzy.)

Silverstream: Whoop’s, sorry guys, I couldn’t resist, seriously!

Sandbar: I suppose you guys already know about me & Yona huh?

(The 4 friends approach the 2 love birds.)

Ocellus: We’re so sorry to disturb you two, we didn’t mean to…

Sandbar: Oh no it’s all right, but it is a good thing that you did it at the end.

Yona: (smiles) Yona not upset with late interruption.

Sandbar: But I think I should apologize for leaving you guys out.

Gallus: Nah, don’t be bro, you do you, & you to Yona.

Smolder: Yeah, don’t worry about it, I mean we do have our own lives to live.

Ocellus: But we’ll never forget each other, no matter who or what we are, we’re still friends.

Silverstream: To coin a phrase EveryCreature: Friendship Is MAGIC!

(The 5 friends nod in agreement.)

Sandbar: Well in that case, it’s great to have friends like you guys. (turns to look at Yona) & it’s great to have you in my life Yona.

Yona: (smiling & tearing up)I couldn’t agree more Sandbar.

(Both Sandbar & Yona we’re blushing & smiling as they gave each other a peck on their cheeks.)

Ocellus & Silverstream: D’aww!!

Gallus & Smolder: (smiles)

(Both Ocellus & Silverstream approach Yona in excitement.)

Ocellus: Congratulations Yona!

Silverstream: Bravo Yona! (shaking her hoof)

Yona: Thank you very much!

(Gallus & Smolder approach Sandbar.)

Smolder: Way da go Bar! (thumb up & winks)

Gallus: Yeah! You da Mane!

(Gallus & Sandbar hoof bump each other.)

Sandbar: Thanks a lot!

(So The Young 6 spent the rest of the night talking about Sandbar & Yona’s date as we see 2 shooting stars go by.)


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