A Heart's Desire/End Peace · 5:12am Apr 7th, 2023
(A/N: Well… I should talk about what this song is so here it goes: This song is preformed by a British Progressive Rock Band from the 70’s called Camel & it’s from their ninth album in 1982 called The Single Factor (It’s very rare to come by). Now the lead vocalist of this song is the late Chris Harley or better known as Chris Rainbow whom is more associated with The Alan Parsons Project being lead & backing vocals. So in all my "Music Loving" wisdom, I’ve decided to make a little Songfic out of it.)
(The moon & the stars were shimmering & shining over The Crystal Empire as we begin where most stories end. We see The Crystal Castle which is the home of Princess Cadance, Prince Shining Armor, & their daughter Princess Flurry Heart. We enter through a window leading into Flurry Heart’s nursery where we see the beautiful Princess Cadance & even Sunburst whom was visiting from the School of Friendship watching the handsome Shining Armor who just finished changing Flurry Heart & then wrapped her up in a blanket & cradles her in his arm. As he was doing this, Flurry Heart squee in excitement.)
Flurry Heart: (Cooing happily)
Sunburst: Well now, some filly’s still too excited to sleep.
Princess Cadance: (giggles) She sure is, what ever shall we do Shiny?
Shining Armor: (chuckles) Well I do know a little song we can sing to her.
(Still holding Flurry Heart He carries her to her crib & set her down gently.)
Sunburst: Oh yeah, you mentioned it earlier.
Princess Cadance: Ahh yes, it was a song from your childhood right?
Shining Armor: Right, my father used to sing it to me a few times when I was little, & then when Twiliy was born he didn’t sang it as much as he did, but sometimes he still would sing it to me and Twiliy & on occasion I would sing it to her when she was a filly.
Princess Cadance & Sunburst: D’aww
Princess Cadance: That’s so sweet.
Sunburst: Yes indeed.
Princess Cadance: Well perhaps me & Sunburst can sing it along with you if that’s okay with you.
Shining Armor: (smiling warmly) Why certainly. (Turns to Flurry Heart) Ya hear that Flurry? Daddy, Mommy, & Sunburst are gonna sing a very special, very nostalgic, very old song just for you!
(Flurry Heart squee in delight.)
(Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, Sunburst chuckling.)
(We suddenly fade out of the bedroom & then fade in to another bedroom in a cottage which is the home of Fluttershy who was getting ready for bed herself.)
Fluttershy: (Sighs) My goodness, what a lovely day it has been (gets into & tuck’s herself in, then looks up.) & thank you for keeping me company Discord.
(Discord appears over head facing Fluttershy.)
Discord: No sweat dear Fluttershy, (tuck’s the blanket in) comfy cozy?
Fluttershy: (smiles) (giggles) Indeed I am.
Discord: Splendid! (His top half floats back up to a bed on top like a bunk bed hovering over Fluttershy’s bed & lay’s down with Angel Bunny cuddling next to him. He tuck’s himself in & then claps his hands twice, by the second clap the light went out.)
(Fluttershy, Angel Bunny, & Discord yawn.)
Discord: G’night Fluttershy, see ya in dreamland.
Fluttershy: Nighty-night Discord.
(We leave Fluttershy & Discord & then enter a room belonging to Apple Bloom of the Apple Family. Apple Bloom hopped on to her bed & laid down while her older sister Applejack tucked her in with Big Mcintosh, his wife Sugar Belle & Granny Smith right beside her.)
Applejack: (smiling) All right settle down sugar-cube.
Apple Bloom: Sorry sis, I’m just excited for what tomorrow may bring.
Applejack: Well that’s good to hear.
Sugar Belle: Indeed, as a matter of fact so am I & ever since I join this family it has given me more confidence in myself.
Big Mac: Eeyup, we do our part & you do yours.
Granny Smith: That there’s the tickets. (leans over to Apple Bloom & kisses her left cheek.) G’night sweetie.
Apple Bloom: G’night Granny Smith.
Applejack: G’night sugar-cube (leans over & kisses her right cheek).
Big Mac: G’night lil sister (leans over & kisses her forehead).
Sugar Belle: (nuzzling Apple Bloom’s cheek, both giggling). Good night ya cutie.
Apple Bloom: (giggles) G’night AJ, G’night Big Mac, G’night Sugar Belle.
(Granny Smith, Big Mcintosh, & Sugar Belle left the room & Applejack was the last to leave, she turned off the lights & closed the door gently while Apple Bloom begins to fall asleep.)
(We leave the Apple Family’s farm as we see another room belonging to Sweetie Belle who was fast asleep already. We see Sweetie Belle’s older sister Rarity carrying her & setting her gracefully on her bed.)
Rarity: (humming) (tucks her in) (kisses her forehead) Good night my dear Sweetie Belle.
Sweetie Belle: (smiles) ‘Night Rarity.
Rarity: (smiles in a sisterly loving way.) Sleep tight darling. (leave’s the room & closes the door behind her.)
(We leave the Carousel Boutique & enter the Sugarcube Corner Bakery, the home of Pinkie Pie & the Cake family. We see Mr. & Mrs. Cake getting their babies ready for bedtime, then we see Pinkie Pie going to bed herself.)
Pinkie Pie: (yawns) Welp another day in the grab bag if I always say so myself. (lies down in her bed & pulls the blankets towards her making it nice & comfy.) (leans to the right) Thanks for all your help Cheesy.
(We see the one & only Cheese Sandwich lying in bed next to Pinkie.)
Cheese Sandwich: Oh think nothing of it Pinkie dear. You & I make a wonderful, fantastic, out of this world team!
Pinkie Pie: (smiles) Yes indeedy!
Pinkie Pie& Cheese Sandwich: (chuckles)
Pinkie Pie: (leans in & kisses Cheese Sandwich on the cheek) Good night Cheesy.
Cheese Sandwich: G’night Pinkie.
(As we see Pinkie Pie & Cheese Sandwich cuddling close together we move on to another bedroom where we see Rainbow Dash & Scootaloo who were just wrapping up reading some Daring Do books & getting ready to catch some z’s themselves.)
Scootaloo: Thanks again for letting me sleep over at your house tonight Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow Dash: Ahh don’t mention it Scoot, your always welcome to come to my place any time at all.
(Scootaloo cuddles next to Rainbow Dash & closes her eyes.)
Scootaloo: (yawns) G’night Rainbow Dash.
(Rainbow Dash looks down & smiles adorably. She kisses her forehead & strokes her hair.)
Rainbow Dash: G’night Scootaloo.
(She snuggles next to the young pegasus pony & drifts off to sleep.)
(We leave Rainbow Dash & Scootaloo & we enter one last room belonging to Spike the dragon. We see Spike (who was already fast asleep) put to bed & a blanket being placed over him. It was none other than Princess Twilight Sparkle who was doing this, with Starlight Glimmer right by her side.)
Twilight Sparkle: Good night my faithful assistant. (kisses his forehead) Sleep tight.
Starlight Glimmer: (giggles) He’s so cute when he sleeps.
Twilight Sparkle: (giggles) Of course he is. Even if he doesn’t want to admit it.
(They both leave the room as we see Twilight enter her room & settles down by the fireplace, she uses her magic to bring over a stack of papers, some ink & a quill. She begins to write on the paper, it wasn’t long before she started to hum a song that Shining Armor sang to her when she was a filly. She looks up to a nearby window & smiles. She looks down & continues writing as we fade out & return to Flurry Heart’s nursery where we see Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, & Sunburst finished chuckling.)
Shining Armor: All right, here we go. (clears throat & begins to sing.)
Shining Armor: The light is fading
The cause invading
all the hopes that you were building
on tomorrow
Now you must go.
Princess Cadance, Shining Armor: So stretch your wings,
as nature sings
her farewell lullabye to soothe you
through the changes
When you must go.
Sunburst, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor: The gift is knowing
your strength in going
when the time has gone beyond
your heart's desire,
and you must go.
(It then leads to a montage of all the characters sleeping which includes: Fluttershy, Angel Bunny, Discord, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Big Mcintosh, Sugar Belle, Granny Smith, Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Mr. & Mrs. Cake, Pumpkin Cake, Pound Cake, Pinkie Pie, Cheese Sandwich, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Starlight Glimmer, Spike, Twilight Sparkle, & finally Flurry Heart.)
(Shining Armor, Princess Cadance & Sunburst kissed Flurry Heart & said good night to her & quietly left the room.)
(Moments later we see Princess Cadance & Shining Armor snuggled up in their bed & they look into each other’s eyes lovingly.)
Princess Cadance: That was a beautiful song of yours, (giggle) if I do say so myself.
Shining Armor: Aww thanks honey, I’m glad you like it.
Princess Cadance: (Yawns) Well good night my handsome stallion.
Shining Armor: Sleep well my gorgeous filly.
(They lean in & kissed each other passionately on the lips. As their lips parted, they drifted off to sleep sweetly as we leave their room through the window & we see the moon & stars once again as our heroes have a peaceful night sleep.)