Sold (The Grundy County Auction) MLP: FIM Songfic · 4:01am Apr 6th, 2023
(We begin at Sweet Apple Acres, where we see another Apple Family reunion. A lot of Apple Family members were there including: Braeburn from Appleloosa, Babs Seed from Manehattan, Sugar Belle (Big McIntosh’s girl/filly friend), & even Grand Pear (Pear Butter’s father). Everypony was having the time of their life’s, even Big Mac was having a great time but he was also a little worried because he was waiting for somecreature to arrive, Applejack went over to Big Mac to see how he’s doin’.)
Applejack: Big Mac, are ya sure he’s gonna show up?
Big Mac: I did invited him and told him that this was important, so I don’t know what’s the hold up.
Applejack: Well, I’ll take your word for it.
(As AJ was walking away, Big Mac was taking a drink of cider and then from the corner of his left eye he saw a little green winged dragon flying past the apple trees. Big Mac’s eyes widened and he also most choked on his cider. He excused everypony and went to the front of the barn. (Twilight’s faithful assistant) Spike flown into the entrance to Sweet Apple Acres and saw Big Mac in front of the barn. Both of them smiled as they both embraced.
Spike: Hiya Big Mac.
Big Mac: Howdy Spike, I was worried that you weren’t gonna make it.
Spike: (sheepishly) Yeah, sorry about that, I was just on my way out until Twilight told me to wash the dishes before I go, so that why I’m a little late.
Big Mac: (chuckles) All right, well I’m glad you made it. I’ll tell Applejack your here & we’ll get everything ready.
Spike: Okay, I’ll get ready too, this is gonna be awesome!
Big Mac: Eeyup!
(After Big Mac & Spike fist bump each other Big Mac went back to the party to tell Applejack that Spike is here, while Spike went inside the barn to get ready.)
(A few minutes later Applejack went to the small stage which was set up behind the barn and addressed the family.)
Applejack: (clears throat) ‘Cuse me everypony, may I have your attention to the stage please?
(The Apple family quieted down and paid their attention to Applejack.)
Applejack: Thank you. So how y’all doin today!?
(Everypony cheered with great vim and vigor.)
Applejack: Hot Diggity! I’m glad y’all are havin’ a grand old time, and that everypony managed to make it here too.
(The Apple Family applauded)
Applejack: Now we have a special musical treat for y’all today! So I’d like to bring to the stage my older brother Big McIntosh & my cousin Braeburn!
(Everypony applauded as Big Mac & Braeburn made their way onstage and Applejack made her way to a nearby piano.)
Braeburn: Thank ya kindly cuz!
Big Mac: Thank ya sis!
Braeburn: Howdy everypony, it’s great to be back at Sweet Apple Acres!
(The Apple Family cheered)
Big Mac: Now before we begin I’d also like to bring to the stage a wonderful friend of mine, everypony give it up for Spike!
(The Apple Family applauded as Spike flew to the stage while holding a electric guitar and land’s gracefully beside Big Mac.)
Spike: All right! It’s great to see you again!
Braeburn: Now we’re gonna preform a old but very catchy country song for y’all!
Big Mac: Eeyup, we hope y’all like it, Spike’s gonna start it off, Take it away Spike!
Spike: You got it Mac!
(Guitar Intro)
(The Apple Family immediately started dancing "country style".)
Big Mac: Well I went down to the Grundy County Auction,
Where I saw something I just had to have.
My mind told me I should proceed with caution,
but my heart said go ahead and make a bid on that. And I said,
Big Mac, Braeburn, Spike: "Hey pretty lady! Won't you gimme a sign?
I'd give anything to make you mine, all mine,
I'll do your biddin' and be at your beck and call."
Yeah I've never seen anyone lookin' so fine,
Man I gotta have her, she's a one of a kind. I'm goin' once, goin' twice,
Big Mac: I'm sold to the lady in the second row,
She's an eight, she's a nine, she's a ten I know.
She's got ruby red lips, blond hair, blue eyes
And I'm about to bid my heart good-bye!
Big Mac: Well, the auctioneer was goin' 'bout a mile a minute.
He was taking bids and callin' them out loud.
And I guess I was really gettin' in it,
'Cause I just shouted out above the crowd! And I said,
Big Mac, Braeburn, Spike: "Hey pretty lady! Won't you gimme a sign?
I'd give anything to make you mine, all mine,
I'll do your biddin' and be at your beck and call."
Yeah I've never seen anyone lookin' so fine,
Man I gotta have her, she's a one of a kind. I'm goin' once, goin' twice,
Big Mac: I'm sold to the lady in the long black dress,
Well she won my heart, it was no contest.
With her ruby red lips, blond hair, blue eyes
Well I'm about to bid my heart good-bye!
Big Mac: Yeah, we found love on the auction block and I hauled her heart away.
Now we still love to laugh about, the way we met that day! When I said
Big Mac, Braeburn, Spike: "Hey pretty lady! Won't you gimme a sign?
I'd give anything to make you mine, all mine,
I'll do your biddin' and be at your beck and call."
Yeah I've never seen anyone lookin' so fine,
Man I gotta have her, she's a one of a kind. I'm goin' once, goin' twice,
Big Mac: I'm sold to the lady in the second row,
She's an eight, she's a nine, she's a ten I know.
She's got ruby red lips, blond hair, blue eyes
Big Mac, Braeburn, Spike: And I'm about to bid my heart good-bye!
Big Mac, Braeburn, Spike: Heeeee!
(The audience erupted in applause.)
Braeburn: Yeehaw!
Big Mac: Thank y’all very much!
Spike: Thanks a lot everypony!
(Big Mac, Braeburn, and Spike took a bow and then exited the stage. Applejack, Apple Bloom, Sugar Belle, & Granny Smith approached the two stallions & dragon.)
Apple Bloom: (embracing Braeburn & Big Mac) That was absolutely awesome!
Applejack: I agree with Apple Bloom on that!
Braeburn: D’aww ya too kind but I’ll gladly take it! We were great weren’t we fellas?
Spike: Uh-huh!
Big Mac: Eeyup!
Applejack: (turns to Spike rubbing his head) And you were awesome too Spike!
Spike: (chuckles) Thanks AJ, I’ve been practicing playing the guitar like crazy & I think it payed off!
Applejack: (smiling) Darn tootin’ it did!
Granny Smith: (teary eyed)
Big Mac: You okay Granny Smith?
Granny Smith: (wipes away the tears) The song y’all preformed takes me back, it takes me back to those grand old hootenanny’s when I was growin’ up. (hugs Big Mac) Thank you Big Mac!
Big Mac: You’re very welcome Granny Smith!
(Granny Smith let’s go of Big Mac and then Big Mac turned his attention to his girl/filly friend and they both lovingly hugged each other.)
Sugar Belle: It looked like you three we’re having fun preforming that song on stage.
Big Mac: Eeyup, we sure did.
Sugar Belle: (smiling) Well, I too was having just as much fun as everypony else was.
Big Mac: (smiling, nuzzling her nose) Well I’m mighty glad to hear that.
(Big Mac & Sugar Belle both gave a cute peck on the lips and shared a loving laugh as we see Grand Pear looking at the family over looking the sun slowly setting down.)
Grand Pear: (smiles, then sighs) Their parents would be so proud.
(We end with The Apple Family still hanging out as the haze sun still shines over Sweet Apple Acres.)
You have a real knack for lyrics too!
I had so much fun reading this, lovely job!