• Member Since 21st Jun, 2016
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Adan Druego

Sis: You're the father. Bro: ...hey? I BETTER BE!!

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Representation (Doesn't) Matter · 2:53am Feb 9th, 2023

Muh reprezentaishun, yo!!

Freaks: I gotta see muhselfs in this.

Notme: Bruh... it's a video about wizards doing magic.

Freaks: Yeaaaahh, but if I can not be seeing muhself in thiz then how's I suppos'd ta relate?!

Notme: Bruh... they're humanoid robots that turn into vehicles.

Freaks: But muh sexualityz, mah cissah.
Freaks: N mah dark skin, yo!!
Freaks: And mah mental illzness?!
Freaks: And... my fetish.
Freaks: Andz mah paloticks!!!

Notme: Bruhs... normal human being don't need to see themselves in ever little thing in order to enjoy said thing. Maybe, you're all just retar-

*Little Sister walks by in a provocative manner...*

Notme: *cough* Okay, I think, maybe, I can finally understand you, freaks, because I definitely want to see myself in tha-

YES!! Yes. Literally all that, just to make a very inappropriate joke about... well, you can probably guess.

Notme: I mean, you have a little sister, too, right?

Notme: What?

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