This is it. · 4:34am Dec 15th, 2012
To anyone who actually cares:
I declare, for once and for all, myself retiring from Fanfics. Seeing as how I never finished my "Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger Vs. Ponī Sentai Yūjōranger." story. (I never even had the desire of finishing it anyway, it was something I started because of sheer boredom.) I won't abandon the site, since I do still read some Fanfics now and then.
If you want, or know anyone that wants to, feel free to continue the story. I already wrote a summary of the remaining 3 chapters, I'm sure it can't be that hard to finish them.
My reason for this is that I just find writing a story pretty boring, I began writing because I had nothing to do; and I did enjoy it for a brief amount of time, but seeing how I can't write a good story anyway, I don't think this is a big deal anyway.
And, that's all; hope you understand, and if not, too bad for you.
I would like to continue it and give it a really good gokaiger flare. I want to do Super Sentai good!