• Member Since 29th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 22nd, 2014


More Blog Posts3

  • 634 weeks
    This is it.

    To anyone who actually cares:
    I declare, for once and for all, myself retiring from Fanfics. Seeing as how I never finished my "Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger Vs. Ponī Sentai Yūjōranger." story. (I never even had the desire of finishing it anyway, it was something I started because of sheer boredom.) I won't abandon the site, since I do still read some Fanfics now and then.

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  • 671 weeks
    I have an excuse!

    I swear I was going to post my new story today. But this site just wouldn't publish it, so far, my story has been rejected twice, once because it didn't have enough Pony in it; so I had to make a second chapter. The second time it got rejected was because stories on script format aren't allowed, so I completely redo both chapters. Now, I'm waiting to see if my story will be accepted

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  • 672 weeks

    Quick blog post.

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This is it. · 4:34am Dec 15th, 2012

To anyone who actually cares:
I declare, for once and for all, myself retiring from Fanfics. Seeing as how I never finished my "Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger Vs. Ponī Sentai Yūjōranger." story. (I never even had the desire of finishing it anyway, it was something I started because of sheer boredom.) I won't abandon the site, since I do still read some Fanfics now and then.
If you want, or know anyone that wants to, feel free to continue the story. I already wrote a summary of the remaining 3 chapters, I'm sure it can't be that hard to finish them.
My reason for this is that I just find writing a story pretty boring, I began writing because I had nothing to do; and I did enjoy it for a brief amount of time, but seeing how I can't write a good story anyway, I don't think this is a big deal anyway.
And, that's all; hope you understand, and if not, too bad for you.

Report RogerEarth14 · 839 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

I would like to continue it and give it a really good gokaiger flare. I want to do Super Sentai good!

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