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''Oh Meeester,'' knighty crooned with his silly British accent, ''I love the way you approve so many stories. It gets me hot and flustered!''

Meeester just grimaced.

knighty sighed. His new lover wasn't much one for words. He'd have to get his banning fix elsewhere.

Wearing nothing but socks, knighty straddled a bound Chuckward, repeatedly spanking him with his banhammer.

''Ooh yeah baby! Ban me! Ban me in the ass! I'm a dirty sock puppet! Yes!'' the troll screamed as he climaxed, spewing stories all over FimFiction. knighty himself writhed in pleasure, moderating violently.

Meeester just grimaced.

Author's Note:

Thanks goes to knighty, Meeester, and Chuckward for unwittingly starring in this chapter. If you don't know who they are, do some research.

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