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50th Chapter Special Part 4

One break of indeterminate length later, Twilight got back to roll. "If you can hear me clop once."


A few ponies clopped.

"If you can hear me clop twice!"


Better, more of the room was starting to listen...

"If you can hear me clop thrice!"

There was indistinct clopping.

"Okay okay fine. If you can hear me clop three times."


This time those confused by the word "thrice" complied and most of the room clopped.

"Last one, if you can hear me, clop four times."


The room was quiet. Twilight Sparkle was happy. "Okay guys, that's enough clopping; back to roll call. Let's see, where was I?... Ah yes! Ah... this chapter? Ewwww, gross, and nasty. Though actually, I wonder if... Hmmm, there would be a lot of cool things I could do working with myself. So many hypotheses to try! Oh wait, I would remember if I visited myself in the past. Unless... I used a memory-wiping spell! BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!...Ha?''

The crowd was staring at her. "Eh heh heh... heh... moving on..."

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