• Member Since 20th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 13th, 2014

Power to the Bronys


New chapter announcement! · 2:44am Mar 13th, 2013

Excited? I am! On the 23rd of March, exactly one week from this saturday, my latest chapter in my first fanfic ever will be released! I just gotta finish up this last scene, second draft it all, and proof read it, then its ready to be enjoyed by all you wonderful, wonderful people (even though there are only, like, three of you. But you're cool nontheless). OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! I have come to a conclusion on the names for the next two chapters, including the one I'm working on. The official

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I feel like break dancing! · 9:57pm Mar 11th, 2013

Wha-HOOOOOO! know I probably shouldn't be this excited, but I got two likes on my first story! Bo-ya! And two people are already following me! I know I know, "Its only two, what the buck are you so happy for?" Well, my friend, if you could only understand the heart of this writer, the things that you would be able to comprehend about me! Also the things that would gross you out into oblivion, but that is completely impertinent. But dude: two! After over a month of no likes, no followers, not

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I feel ashamed · 6:20am Mar 9th, 2013

Well.....remember how I said that I would be working on my Vinyl story last night, no matter the cost? Weeeeellll........you see, that never actually happened. I spent the evening fiddling around on the frivilessness of the internet, and accomplished a grand total of zero work. None. Zero. Ziltch. Nada. Not even a sentence. And for that, given that I promised you I would work, I am very sorry. AH! Curse you internet and your idiotic distractions!!!!!!!!!!! Why did you do this to me?! Well, I

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For the pen, I shall suffer · 5:47am Mar 8th, 2013

Hey, exciting news to all of you who have read my published content in my Vinyl story! Tonight, I shall dread the dawn, but I have concluded to working on my second chapter (title to be announced soon). I will regret the monring, if I even live through this, but it must be done. I haven't been writing like I should be and tonight, I shall change that.

To the dreaded hours of the early morning and beyond, I will ride!
-Power to the Bronys

Report Power to the Bronys · 155 views ·

Now we're cooking! · 6:55am Mar 7th, 2013

Alright, I finally got a photo for my ongoing Vinyl Scratch story. I would like to state here, that I found this on google, and have no knowledge of the original artist, but credit goes out to them. They, whomever they may be, made this and I hold no copywrite. I'm only using this for the entirtainment purposes and make no profit from its use. Also, this one is just temporary until I can get one made. Just thought I share this with, so there is no misunderstanding.


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What's this awesomeness before my eyes?! · 6:21am Mar 3rd, 2013

Hello, whats this? A new, improved Power to the Bronys logo?! HECK YEAH! Special thanks to my non-brony friend the Mysterious Colt Do Awesome for making this for me! I'd mention him by his real name, but he wishes to remain annonymous.

Keep calm, don't hate, and please, for the sake of Princess Celestia, stop trying be more awesome then a pony. Its just not going to happen
-Power to the Bronys

Report Power to the Bronys · 142 views ·

Apologies · 11:34pm Jan 29th, 2013

If you read my last blog, then you are aware of the "language" I so flippantly used in an attitude of anger, and I think I should apologize for that. Even thought the word "buck" is only as a bad as saying "friggen'" or "fudge", I still should not have used it in such a mean spirited way, and should have better composed myself. Clearly, I do not understand how FIMFiction works, and need to be patient. One day, my story will be complete, and thus submited. Untill then, I'll just have to

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What the buck?! · 8:59pm Jan 27th, 2013

Okay, this is bucked up! I have a story that has chapters that I have actually posted, but when I saw that it was getting no heat, no views or anything, I logged off, then searched for my story as a guest user. I found my user page, but the bucking FIMfiction website says I don't have ANY stories!!!!!! WHAT THE BUCK IS GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

bucking frustrated
-Power to the Bronys

Report Power to the Bronys · 115 views ·

Winds of change · 2:37am Jan 27th, 2013

So, if you read my previous blogs, you know that I intend to keep my stories Woona safe. However, it has to to my attention through my friends and family whom I have shown rough manuscripts that the overall tragic plot line and writing style is, in a sense, dark and depressing. (It should be noted here thatthe story does have a happy ending). So, I have deceided to add the Dark genre tag, and change it from a Everypony story to one categorized for Teens. I have to confess, I intended to gear

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One down, alot more to go · 4:01am Jan 24th, 2013

To those who are interested, I have successfully finished and uploaded the very first chapter to my story Vinyl Scratch: The Genesis which is entitled The Mare in the Mirror. So, if you are in the mood for the beginnning of sad, tragic story or just need to get in a good laugh, I recomand reading it. Let me know what think. Pros, cons, goods, and bads.

stay cool, watch MLP, and don't try flying at home. You are not a Pegasus.
-Power to the Bronys

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