Chapter delayed. · 10:55pm Dec 2nd, 2024
Hey I am most likely not going to post today, if I do its going to be late, so sorry bout that, I will see yall tomarrow. I just wanted to let yall know.
Hey I am most likely not going to post today, if I do its going to be late, so sorry bout that, I will see yall tomarrow. I just wanted to let yall know.
Sorry about that, I didn't mean to unbpublish it was an accident, Anyway I hope the grammer is slightly better, feel free to read it over if you wish.
Hey I am most likely not going to post today, if I do its going to be late, so sorry bout that, I will see yall tomarrow. I just wanted to let yall know.
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Grammar fixes and improved sentence structure for chapter 6: A royal encounter
Outside the bar stood Princess Celestia, Ruler of Equestria and controller of the day and night.
She took a deep breath, staring at the bar before her. It was clearly made by a mare, but it was so different from anything her ponies had ever built.
The building was tall and unique—strikingly so. But that wasn’t her focus. She was here to see the Alicorn stallion for herself. Whether he was a threat would depend on her observations. While she trusted Daring to carry out the task she was given, Celestia had insisted on coming to see him personally.
Princess Celestia entered the bar slowly, her curiosity evident. She trotted to the end of the wall, her golden horseshoes tapping softly against the floor.
She waited patiently, but faint grunts and panting soon caught her attention. She hesitated for a moment, but curiosity got the better of her. Deciding to investigate, she followed the sound until she reached a door.
When she opened it, she froze. Her eyes widened in surprise. Before her was an Alicorn stallion doing pull-ups. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, exposing a lean yet toned physique. His muscles flexed and bulged with each motion, creating a delicate and strangely captivating balance.
Celestia swallowed hard, her gaze lingering on him. His intensity, his focus—it was unlike anything she’d ever seen, even as a young princess. A thrill of excitement and nervousness coursed through her. Was this... was this the king she’d been waiting for? Her prince charming? Her—
“What the hell are you doing here?” his deep voice cut through her thoughts.
Right, introductions.
Clearing her throat, she made sure her posture was regal, even alluring. “Greetings, your majesty,” she said, lowering herself to one knee. Slowly, she reached out, took his hoof, and planted a soft kiss on it. “I am Princess Celestia, Co-ruler of Equestria and controller of the sun.”
“Oh…” he replied simply, “so you’re the ruler of this nation. And don’t call me—” He hesitated, then shook his head. “I suppose we have much to discuss.”
“Oh, indeed we do,” she replied, her gaze following him as he jumped down gracefully from the makeshift bar. He narrowed his eyes, looking her up and down.
Was he... was he checking her out?
Before she could indulge the thought further, he interrupted her again. “Your ponies swear by you a lot.”
What boldness, she thought, slightly taken aback. She liked it.
Celestia chuckled, her laughter melodic. “A choice they made themselves,” she said with a sly smile.
“Right…” he drawled, his tone skeptical. “So, Your Highness, normally I’d throw you out for barging in here uninvited—”
“Your door was unlocked,” Celestia interrupted, amusement playing on her lips. “If you don’t want ponies intruding on your... workouts, perhaps you should lock it.”
He stared at her for a moment, then all but shoved her out of the room, shutting the door behind her.
I was in no mood for this, slamming the door shut and locking it. Taking my time, I dressed deliberately slowly, knowing it would irritate her. Eventually, I opened the door, her eyes locked onto mine the entire time. I raised an eyebrow.
“Normally, my little ponies wouldn’t dare to lay a hoof on me,” she said in a low, measured tone.
“I’m not one of your ponies,” I replied coldly, “nor am I little. If you want diplomacy, that’s fine—”
“Oh, I can certainly see that,” Celestia interjected with a throaty chuckle, sitting gracefully on a stool. “Very well, if you have questions, I shall answer them. Perhaps you’d like to ask why my eyes are so beautiful? Or why my wings are so... enticing?”
“Why,” I hissed, “are stallions treated as inferior to mares in this land?”
Her confident facade faltered. She flinched. “I… beg your pardon?”
I fixed her with an unrelenting stare, my gaze so intense it seemed to burn.
Celestia stared back. For a moment, silence filled the room, heavy and charged. Then, finally, she sighed. “I don’t know.”
“I don’t know,” she repeated softly, her head lowering. “Our society has always been this way, even before I was born. Mares have always been seen as superior to stallions… from the ancient scriptures to the teachings of my mother, Queen Lauren Faust. Even she learned it from those before her.”
I nodded slowly. “May I speak with this Lauren Faust?”
“She is no longer with us,” Celestia murmured. “But I believe it had something to do with our father. Something happened to him before we were fully conceived…”
“We?” I asked.
“Luna,” she said bitterly, chuckling without humor. “A mistake I’d rather not talk about.”
I analyzed her carefully. Her behavior was genuine. Despite my initial skepticism, I realized she truly regretted the state of her kingdom. She wasn’t perfect—far from it—but her intentions were not malicious. She wanted to be the ideal ruler for her ponies, but in doing so, she had overlooked so much, allowing the inequality to fester.
I approached her and placed a hoof gently on her shoulder. “We all make mistakes,” I said, meeting her eyes. “But it’s never too late to rectify them.”
She flinched but didn’t pull away. “You don’t understand. If I try to change things now, my little ponies... they…”
“As with every leader,” I said bluntly, causing her to flinch again, “you must decide: do you truly want what’s best for all of Equestria?”
“I…” She looked down, trembling slightly. “I do. But I…”
“Then take that risk,” I said firmly. “In my land, we have a saying: ‘No victory without sacrifice.’ Prove to me you’re not a monster. Prove to me you can change, even if it’s just one step.”
She hesitated, her mind racing, her vulnerability laid bare. Then, finally, she looked up. “I will try. But I want one thing.”
I raised an eyebrow. “What is it?”
“Come with me,” she said softly, almost pleading. “Be by my side.”
I hesitated, unsure of what to say. Her request was monumental. Yet, as I looked at her, I saw her potential—to change, to grow, to become better.
The silence stretched on.
Awesome story you've got post here, keep up the awesome work!!