• Member Since 13th Oct, 2022
  • offline last seen Jul 19th, 2023


Housewife obsessed with ponies, fashion dolls, tabletop RPGs, MMOs, and other nerdy shit. Moo.

Blog Posts

  • 78 weeks
    Introducing Myself

    Hi folks, I'm Plum Crumble. I'm a long time MLP fan and fan artist, who wants to start writing fanfics. I have an epic saga in the works, but I'll try to write some cute short stories first to get the hang of things.

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    0 comments · 47 views

Introducing Myself · 8:04pm Jan 27th, 2023

Hi folks, I'm Plum Crumble. I'm a long time MLP fan and fan artist, who wants to start writing fanfics. I have an epic saga in the works, but I'll try to write some cute short stories first to get the hang of things.

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Here to make your day 'cuz why not :twilightsmile:

Welcome to FiMFiction, friend! 😇

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Side note: not a bot, just a nerd, lol

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