• Member Since 15th Jan, 2021
  • offline last seen April 5th


Hi guys my name is Cristel and I'm a new author.


Second year of high school · 8:43am Sep 1st, 2021

Guys, school starts in a week and I haven't finished my homework yet like the rest of the class but tomorrow I have to do a remedial test and I'm slightly worried, have you already started?

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Story about Generation 5 part 2 · 2:23pm Aug 26th, 2021

Guys I have a question...How long did it take for them to approve your story? I forgot to ask you

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Story about Generation 5 · 12:14pm Aug 25th, 2021

Hi guys, we all know that on September 24th we will see the film my little pony: a new generation then a special of 44 minutes to then see the series and I wrote a story about this generation, but it has yet to be approved so you will have to wait to see it (I hope they do soon ), I already tell you that it is called G5: trip of friendship and it will be a trip that they will take to a theme park but that they will find an obstacle that will force them to stay. I That's all I wanted to say,

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Piacere di conoscerti · 11:06am Mar 30th, 2021

Salve a tutti, sono nuova in questo dipartimento se si può definire così, riguardo alle mie storie eh si le farò ma a poco poco, come precisato prima sono nuova e la mia immaginazione non è un granché quindi è probabile che le storie che pubblicherò prossimamente siano un po’ noiose e prive di immaginazione. Tengo a precisare che quando pubblicherò qualcosa voglio che siate del tutto sinceri e dirmi le cose che non vanno bene in modo da migliorare le mie storie quindi confido a voi questo,

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