• Member Since 28th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Sometimes you lose yourself in your own narcissism. That's when you find out you might be the bad guy.


Happy 4th of July · 1:34am July 4th

Celebrating early due to my town’s planned times it set the celebration and going to do stuff tomorrow with my family for a time.

Probably a third to halfway in my sprout fic’s next chapter- took a break from it for a time due to ironically hurting myself a few weeks back in a similar way I wrote about in this curren chapter.

Gave me time to write 10k words in a Misty and zipp story very loosely based on the zephyr heights mystery game.

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Going to continue writing tomorrow · 1:44am June 7th

Had to unfortunately take off a week from writing due to random chance and falling in my bathroom. All good now but had to go and check if I was okay due to the random nature of never fainting before and secondly getting a wickedly terrible looking black eye from it. Call it accidental gained experience as to how the healing process of things work.

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Report Peridork · 28 views ·

Played the new G5 game. · 10:30pm May 17th

Got an idea for a story like how the first game gave me a couple story ideas.

Overall, way better game than the first one. Had some issues with it but it felt way more interesting than the previous game. Plus having all the G5 Mane 6 in it to do things felt better than having Sunny run around Maretime Bay and sometimes meet her friends.

Plan on writing another chapter of my main story before I do anything with this idea though


Watching MLP G1 and G2. There's Definitely Ideas In Here To Use For Stories. · 4:27am April 11th

Finished watching the entirety of the G1 series (84-87) and halfway through G2 series (93)

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Report Peridork · 101 views ·

Going on an unexpected, but short, vacation · 4:44pm March 12th

I will be mostly away from all things electronic due to the vacation.

Writing still going well though- won't write stuff on my phone unless inspiration strikes, since this is a family vacation over at least a few days of my nieces' spring break, and I know I'm all about some vague idea of "routine" and editing on my phone is possible but not my favorite thing to do.

See you in a few days.

Report Peridork · 56 views ·

Writing Again · 11:43am February 15th

Have been chipping away at the next chapter of my big G5 story and I relaxed by playing the new Yakuza/ Like a Dragon game. Almost no lifed it, had an absolute blast with the story and characters and coming back to writing my own stuff feels fresh again.

Dunno when its coming out because sometimes I work on two stories concurrently but stuff is back to normal and that's a good thing.


Released another story- not my normal fare · 9:39pm January 20th

I work on a few different projects between the big ones I focus on. I've spent like 2-3 years on this one to make me even comfortable to release it.

Plan to release a chapter a day until its done. (There's 3 total chapters so its going to be a rather quick release)

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Going to be away for a few days due to the holidays, writing is slow but consistent · 10:11pm Dec 23rd, 2023

An early Merry Crimbus to everyone and I'm working on two or three different stories at once so the overall progress is slow but I don't foresee me releasing much of anything in January unless I focus hardcore on one story.

Might do that, but no promises. Still happy holidays and all that stuff. See you soon in 2024.


Sat down and watched the new episodes · 2:38am Nov 25th, 2023

Felt incredibly quick with Opaline but boy there's ideas for stories all over these episodes

Dragons. Auroracorns. Whatever nonsense Allura is.

Comet is best new character.

Doubt I could figure out how to work the Auroracorn into a long story cause the show keeps dropping a lot in only a few episodes- but there's always chances at a one shot at some point.


New story of mine out · 3:05pm Nov 23rd, 2023

I'm going to take a break from writing for a few days because of Thanksgiving

And writing a one shot like I did for nearly three months on and off was kind of exhausting

G5 has some weird and completely abusable ideas for M rated plots if you just look at the goofy stuff they put in them-