• Member Since 1st Oct, 2018
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Started something new · 10:34am May 23rd

Let the records show that I still intend done writing my stories for anyone who still reads them that is. Just might be a little slower than usual. I'd recently gotten a job. My first one ever so therefore I'm doing a lot of things I'm not exactly used to and it's taking a lot more time and effort than I thought when I had the time. I'll definitely be dedicating it to either helping my family out around their house or writing my book. Figured I'd let y'all know for those of you who have the

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Troubling times · 10:06pm Dec 30th, 2023

To all my loyal followers, sorry in advance for this and I hate to be one of those writers but things have been complicated the last few months and honestly I don't know if I can continue writing at this point time so until further notice I won't be posting any more chapters. I know I know it sucks but at this point in time I've got a lot of things so sort out at home in my own personal life. So until further notice this is pride morningstar signing off

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Unsure on where to go next · 4:36pm Jun 22nd, 2023

I hate writer's block, and it just had to happen when I started getting back into the swing of things with my book. Sorry to all my readers who are still waiting on the next chapter, it's been a busy time for me and I was beginning to think that my book wasn't that popular. If you have read it before please at least give some form of notice on it.

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Thank you to all my followers · 7:03pm Mar 21st, 2023

First off I'd like to thank all of my followers for enjoying my book furthermore I would also like to add that I'd love to hear some feedbacks and opinions on how my book is progressing so far

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looking for an editor · 3:43am Jan 12th, 2021

a lot of you probably already know me from my comments but now I am trying to wright my own stories. thing is I have crappy grammar and spelling as some of you have seen or see now. Anyways the point is I am going to be looking for an editor soon, so if anyone is willing to help send me a PM. Oh and fair warning I get writers block really easy and I might be starting collage soon so that is another thing to take into consideration

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