• Member Since 22nd Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen Oct 18th, 2018


I'm what's you call, a person who loves music, my OC's name is Black Widow, and prefer HIE stories


A bit of a delay · 5:53am Jun 28th, 2017

I know a majority of you are excited about the next Chapter inA Kick Of Love but I've been having a bit of trouble with coming up with ideas to end the story, also with so many ideas I have in my head I couldn't really keep up with the idea to end the story, but like I said it's a work in progress and I've also thought about maybe bring back my first story ideas that I had along time ago, thank you all for understanding


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I know · 8:08pm Apr 19th, 2017

I know that my story "You Got Who Preggers"
Was poorly written, I had a lot of stuff on my mind, a lot of ideas so I had to release one of them out ASAP. Again I know that it was bad, maybe in the future I'll rewrite make it a little bit better
But again, thank you for giving it a chance

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Just a little something about me · 8:25am Apr 15th, 2017

I'll probably end up putting at least one song in any of my stories
So.............MCR anyone?

Report Bronyonfire101 · 336 views ·