• Member Since 8th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago



OMAI, I guess I'm done. · 4:22am Nov 18th, 2022

Welp. Writers blocks and lack of continued interest have killed my interest for finishing this.

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Empire of Storms Xmas Update! · 10:29pm Dec 25th, 2021

Merry Christmas all! Got a Chapter uploaded for you, for the first time in aaaaages. I can make excuses all I want, but truthfully, J just got busy with other things and let it fall to the wayside. And when I did write, I didn't like it and decided to erase three chapters of content.
Sooooo, yeah.
Apologies for my lateness, but Merry Christmas to all!

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Cover Art is finally up! · 10:40pm Jan 20th, 2018

The title says it all. Of Men and Insects finally has a cover. Now you can see the atrocious attempts of myself to make a cool looking cover. Anyway, I'll end this here before I start demeaning my own work.

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Of Men and April Fools · 1:33am Mar 30th, 2017

Greetings and salutations, everypony and everyling!
So, I got a silly idea in time for April Fools. It will involve Allan, the main six, some magical hi-jinks, and an irritated pair of pranksters. I'll be posting it in two days, if I can finish it on time. Look for "Of Men and the Madness of Misdirection.", which will be posted as a separate story to Of Men and Insects.
A normal update should happen soon, too, just so you know.
Stay creative guys!

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Of Men and delayed chapters. · 6:49am Feb 27th, 2017

Hi Everypony and Everyling!
It's great to know that you like my work, and I thank you all for the likes and the favs. I am still working on the next chapters, but I decided I didn't like quite a bit of what I had written and decided to rework it. I'll post again as soon as I can. Sorry for the delay, guys. Anyways, thanks again, and stay creative!

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