• Member Since 3rd Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Jun 22nd, 2023

Scribblesheet The Scribe

A Celtic Pagan with with a really bad case shipping fever.


I Will Break The Silence returns! · 5:50pm Jun 4th, 2017

So I'm afriad that givin some complications I have not been able to get these chapters edited by my editor who has been very busy lately. I wanted to have them looked over before I realesed them but given the complications and time I've decided to realese the chapters now and have them edited bvy someone else after. A new chapter is up right now and two more will soon follow! :twilightsmile: hope you all enjoy them as much as I did writing them for you!


Hey sup peoples. · 5:53am Apr 15th, 2017

You ever have one of those nights where all you want to do is fall asleep and all you can do is toss and turn? Ya I'm havin one of those nights so I'm watching Rick and Morty and listening to this song because reasons. It's wierd, I'm both comforted and depressed by this.


Hello everybody got some interesting news for you. · 12:35pm Apr 1st, 2017

So there was a fire next door to my place at this house that had been re modled to fit multiple occupants. As far as I'm aware everybody made it out ok but these people are now without a home and have lost a lot. I'd like to ask anyone who considers themselves religious, spiritual or in between to send Prayers or maybe even just possitive thinking their way. I know that it may not seem like much or even silly but if you can find it in your heart to wish them well I would do so.

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Hey guy's got some news on IWBTS · 2:38am Apr 1st, 2017

So as some of you now know I have an editor one Psychic Smith Specificaly. Now given this faact the quality of my stories is going to go up but this leaves me with a comundrum. I have two chapters finnished but not edited so I came here to ask you guy's which would you prefer? Should I get them edited togeather and publish both at the same time or do it individually? Keep in mind this is just a thought some of this is also up to my editor

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Heads up Bronys · 9:32pm Mar 26th, 2017

So with the help of my good friend and editor Psychic Smith I give you the next chapter of IWBTS along with ome good news! Thank to the fore mentioned help of my editor I am planning to work out the kinks in my earler and future chapters! Thanks to his help you will probably see a great deal of improvement in the story from here on out o thanks again buddy you help make thi possible! :twilightsmile:


New chapter is out! Have a read · 11:24pm Mar 5th, 2017

I will break the silence has a new chapter! Go check it out buddies! :twilightsmile:


New Chapter of I will Break the Silence soon! I'm finnaly off my arse! · 5:43pm Mar 5th, 2017

So like the the message says I'm going to have a new chapter soon! All I have to do is edit and it will be ready to read! It will be out either later today or early tommorow so stay tuned! :twilightsmile:


Status of I Will Break The Silence · 4:32pm Jan 3rd, 2017

So It's been a little while since an update of IWBTS and I thought a heads up was in order. While I don't have a new chapter ready (I've been a bit busy of late) I've decided to review all the chapters so far in order to figure out some direction for the story and how I want to approach handling some characters. No spoilers but some second tear characters in the story are going to see some development soon and I want to do it right.

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Notice for I will Break The Silence · 9:12pm Dec 9th, 2016

So as the opening says I have a bit of an announcement for all you guys. I've been doing a lot of thinking about where I Will Break The Silence is going and have realized that I cant keep it at a teen rating. It is a story of two young ADULTS finding themselves and each other. It's a story about how they fall in love and their relationship grows and also down the line there are going to be some darker scenes I need to have in order to flush out some certain characters as well. Given that sex

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Somepony, Anypony, Everypony Whats Up? · 12:50am Nov 29th, 2016

So I'm on Vacation right now and hoping to be back soon but in the mean time I had something I wanted to ask you all. It's been a while since I worked on Hero's Of Canterealm and I was wondering if any of you have had a look at it yet? I'm hoping to update it again soon but this brings me to my next question and a plea for help.

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