• Member Since 18th Jan, 2015
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Tiki Enthusiast, Bat fan, writer


New chapter update tomorrow · 12:15am Oct 29th, 2022

It's been almost nine months but Night Terrors should be seeing an update tomorrow morning. This is a story that I feel has been underperforming a lot throughout its run, and there's a good chance it'll be my last long story for the foreseeable future. That said, it's still one that's very special to me, and I hope people will stick around to the end of it. I've wound up altering the outline I had planned out for it, and while a lot of stuff got moved around or trimmed out, I still think the

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April chapter updates — an update about updates · 8:03am Apr 9th, 2022

I’ve been running into a road block while working on some of my current projects lately and thought I’d write out a little status update for where I’m at story update wise for this month. This is going to be a mixed bag in terms of update timelines, but I always like to share where I’m at with my work anyways, even if it’s the kind of content that maybe one or two people actually enjoy reading about.

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Odyssey Chapter I is out · 8:02am Mar 17th, 2022

Because of how I'm working on this particular rewrite, the reworked chapters will not appear as "new" chapters and the story won't appear as "updated". So what that means is that I'm going to have to work harder with every update to get the story out there. This chapter shouldn't be unfamiliar to longtime readers, however, it will have some very subtle yet significant lore changes towards the end that better establish the story's narrative and reason for happening. The chapter itself is

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Relaunching "Odyssey" · 4:15am Mar 10th, 2022

You might have noticed, I rebranded and did some tweaking to "Odyssey". The first "prologue" chapter is up, though I guess it's not technically a true prologue, but rather more of a lore-filled intro. I don't want to get people's hopes up yet, so I'm not going to commit to a full structured release schedule yet, but expect infrequent updates that are made up of the original chapters but heavily reworked and adjusted. When I first set out to write this story, I was very inexperienced and

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Unsure what to do with "Odyssey" · 8:14pm Jan 25th, 2022

So I'm going to preface this by saying that the point of this blog post is to gauge interest on whether this story should continue or not, and how that should go if I do. If you like the story and just want to see it continue then please let me know below. If you want to read into more of my thoughts on it and get an explanation for *why* it's been on hiatus for so long, then feel free to read on.

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Early chapter release · 1:45am Jan 17th, 2022

I decided to just release chapter 3 of Outcasts a day early just because it’s a holiday weekend. I might have chapter 4 out sometime this week too, just so there’s a more substantial lore chapter accompanying the more fun lighthearted chapters. Feedback is always really appreciated with this and any of my other stories, so if you’re interested in seeing anything specifically feel free to comment.

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Chapter 6 is out (and some news) · 11:08pm Dec 15th, 2021

I don't know if you caught it, but chapter 6 was released back to back with chapter 5. Both of those are functionally one big chapter, and they explore some big things that'll be very important to the story going forward. The story is probably going to wind up going on a short hiatus until after the new year just because the holidays are going to probably eat up the readership it might have gotten. There's a chance that I'll release chapter 7 sooner than later, but I'm not going to commit 100%

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Today's new chapter is out! · 1:16am Dec 14th, 2021

We've got one new chapter today, and another coming out tomorrow at noon. There might be a small hiatus starting next week just because I'm catching up after working on a ton of college work mixed with IRL work. These next two chapters are pretty important for the story, and set up some important lore.

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New chapter out · 8:25pm Dec 10th, 2021

Todays new Night Terrors chapter is out. It’s a short break from the more lore heavy stuff, but is nonetheless a cute chapter that I hope you’ll enjoy. Next week’s release is a special two-part chapter and it’s where a lot of the lore starts to pick up so definitely stay tuned for that!

I’d really appreciate any thoughts or feedback on the story so far, so don’t be afraid to leave a comment, it really does mean a lot to me.

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Little update · 10:53pm Nov 19th, 2021

Because of Thanksgiving in the USA, I'm going to skip next week's chapter update. I'll likely be out of town for that day anyways. Chapters will resume as usual the following week.

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! See you soon!

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