• Member Since 30th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Feb 3rd, 2021


I'm not a writer looking to change hearts and minds. I'm just a guy looking to spread a little magic here and there. So, sit back and enjoy the show!


Okay, So I Guess That Wasn't My Last Blog Post... · 4:44pm Sep 4th, 2017

Hello, it's Sorcerer again! I just wanted to tell you all that I've set up a Patreon for my new work! If you're able to, I'd like you to go over there now and show your support! Thank you all so much for still sticking by me and reading my work. I hope to make a living off what I love to do one day, and every penny helps me get there!


(Also, technically the Patreon profile pic is a face-reveal. :twilightsmile: )

Report Sorcerer · 531 views ·

To All My Followers · 11:10pm Jul 11th, 2017

This shall be my first and last blog post.

Well, it's been obvious for a while now, but I think it's time I just say it. I'm moving on to better things. The years I spent on FIMFiction was truly enriching to me as an aspiring writer, but it's time I reach a little higher. I know it won't be easy, but I want to take my writing to new horizons and create a mythos to call my own, which is why I want to welcome you all to my new base of operations on Wattpad.

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