• Member Since 16th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen 5 minutes ago

Mischief Of Possibilitys

Birthday June 21. Huzzah


Ocean Thoughts · 1:35pm Aug 7th, 2019

Been floating in the ocean for about 3 months now. Gotta say i much prefer the desert than the ocean. The best time is at night when the moon is above the horizon and the ocean is calm reflecting the calm moonlight. It certainly is a sight that I can't put into words. The Morning when the sun is coming over the horizon, is actually kinda blinding with the water just doubling the light of the sun. But yeah that's about it, like I said before I'm trying to be better at social stuff.


Chatting Life · 6:51pm Jul 21st, 2019

Haven't done much in the past few years, but I do plan to change that. Hoping to improve my social skills and get more ideas out rather than keeping everything inside. Who knows i may make some peoples day and give a possitive impact. Still feeling much insecure about the future but i won't shy away anymore.


Life stuff. · 5:00pm Jan 4th, 2017

Just so the people that may care and people whose stories I read, I'll be gone for 13 weeks starting on Sunday for the military. Big decision for small thing, like not wanting to try and get a job in a small town, among other reasons. Since I do have followers I just thought to let ya know, because even though I don't do much I do still care.

Have a nice day, may the possibilities lead you to your dreams.


Just tossin an idea out there · 8:24am Dec 2nd, 2015

Do you think someone could combine Bloodborne and Undertale together? Because what if the dream worked similar to the save state of Undertale but allowed you to get to other places to try something different or level up.

I'd like to know your thoughts, after there are nothing but possiblitities out there. :pinkiecrazy: