• Member Since 24th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Monday

The Mystery Fluttershy Fan

*** Please consider supporting me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/TMFF *** I used to write Clopfics, but now I prefer to read them, out loud on my Youtube channel.


Why can't people tolerate the existence of gore? · 11:13pm Nov 27th, 2012

I'm really curious, why some people can't tolerate gore stories even existing. I think I pretty much state my opinion in this thread.


My new fic The Maretress has no hope of getting a fraction of the views My Little Slave did, that a lot of you loved, which is a shame, since I am evolving as an author and I'm confident that The Maretress is going to be even better.

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New Clopfic · 6:04am Nov 4th, 2012

Well my new clopfic is up, but not yet passed submission. But I find I can link it to people. I'm guessing my followers won't see it until Fimfiction approves it, so here's link for those that want to read it now.



Update and future plans. · 1:24pm Nov 3rd, 2012

I'm sorry to everypony reading this that is hooked on my My Little Slave story that I haven't updated in a long time. My real life has been stressful and has sucked my creativity away. I tried to write the next chapter, but can't do it without forcing it at the moment.

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