• Member Since 21st Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 9th, 2012


I'm a Brony but I'm a tad scared (horrified) of what I might find on the Internet so I don't know much about fandoms and such. Let's see...my favorite pony is twilight sparkle although I would love to see more doctor whooves, and speaking of doctor whooves I have my own theory for him! He's in his 13th generation (the unlucky generation hence the 13) and his loyal companion is roseluck he is also married to Derpy. Also before I forget twilight sparkle is 'sexy' aka: the tardis. Well let's move away from that! Although I'm horrified of most fandoms I quite enjoy gore fics (with exception of cupcakes and sweet apple massacre).


Our Little Ponies · 5:07pm Apr 20th, 2012

Sorry everypony, but Our Little Ponies has been canceled. Leave any sugestions in the comments below!

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Hello fimfiction and all who inhabit it! (spongebob reference) · 11:23pm Mar 20th, 2012

I'm in the process of writing a fic called 'our little ponies' about me and my fellow bronies when we acquire our little ponies (hence the title) so stay informed.

Report Twihard666 · 385 views ·