• Member Since 13th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 21st, 2017


Saturn's my name, writing's my game.


So It's Been a While · 12:00am Aug 7th, 2015

Coming up on the two year anniversary since I last did anything on FIMFiction, after a lot, and I mean a lot, of shit in my life, I was wondering if there was any interest in me finishing Conversations? Sorry to keep it short and to the point, but long winded blog posts aren't really my thing.

Report ObeySaturnGod · 415 views ·

Slight Delay · 3:41pm Aug 20th, 2013

The next chapter of CWAD will be delayed slightly so my pre-readers can go over it in full and I can iron everything out. It will be released tomorrow, but I'm hopeful future chapters will stick to the Tuesday deadlines.

Report ObeySaturnGod · 499 views ·

CWAD Now Up · 9:10pm Aug 13th, 2013

After a year in development, Conversations With A Draconequus is finally up and open for viewing! I hope to release on a weekly basis, or bi-weekly if that isn't enough time, so I hope you enjoy it and eagerly await the next installments.

Report ObeySaturnGod · 471 views ·

Conversations with a Draconequus in Writing · 4:22am Jun 3rd, 2013

Been away for various reasons, but with some free time looming ahead, I finally have the opportunity to begin writing Conversations with a Draconequus, which I've had on the shelf and planning for around a year now. This will be my final story, so I'm sad to say if you're waiting on one of the others to be updated, they're going to be cancelled. I'm putting my entire focus on CwaD, and while I don't have a release schedule for it, it will be finished at some point in time.

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Merry Christmas From Starswirl Academy! · 2:32am Dec 24th, 2012


Has it Really Been Two Months? · 4:54am Oct 23rd, 2012

No it hasn't, it's been two months and two days. I don't even know where the time goes anymore, one day it's the 15th, the next it's the 23rd. There aren't enough hours in the day or days to keep the hours in. So, what have I been up to in that outrageously long time? Not much, really. Most of it has seen me sitting around and staring blankly into space.

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Report ObeySaturnGod · 433 views ·

I'm officially a member of the Starswirl Academy development team · 3:25pm Aug 21st, 2012

A conceptual image for the girls. Note that this design is not final in any way.

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Report ObeySaturnGod · 694 views ·

My Most Well Received Story · 2:53am Jul 28th, 2012

is a 2.6k word troll fic I literally wrote in two hours that replaces the word 'vagina' with 'pie'...

I honestly don't know what I should be feeling. Shame, elation, and shameful elation all come to mind. Whatever, as long as you guys enjoyed it, I don't regret writing it. To be honest, PPPP has reignited my love of all things literature, so it shouldn't be too long before those months old stories start seeing some very overdue updates.

Report ObeySaturnGod · 409 views ·

Writing is Hard · 5:54am Jul 25th, 2012

I have no sense of time whatsoever. I say something will come out in a couple days, and then it's already more than two weeks later when it finally comes out. I really do want to get these stories done, but I've been in an atrocious slump where I just don't want to write anything, and when I do finally force myself to write something, I can get maybe a paragraph or two down before I have to walk away. Hopefully with the release of the next part of FT I can get over this damn inhibition I

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Report ObeySaturnGod · 432 views ·

Lack of Updates · 1:39am Jul 7th, 2012

I've been dealing with personal issues for the past month, and it's left me with little to no time for writing. I should be in the clear now, so I can finally turn my focus back on my stories. I've been working on the last few parts of Fading Twilight when I could, so that should be posted within the next couple of days or so.

Report ObeySaturnGod · 414 views ·