• Member Since 23rd Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


I love reading Fan fiction, and sometimes, I like creating dramatic readings for them. :) http://www.youtube.com/user/thelostnarrator


Random Lazy Update Time! · 1:10am May 9th, 2014

Just an update video with some fanart, collabs, and channel updates!

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More Readings and a possible story in the works! :) · 11:48am Dec 5th, 2013

Hi! I haven't updated this in a while, so I thought I would finally do that...

First off, I hope everyone is doing well! The Holidays are upon us, so I hope you all have an awesome holidays!

I finally completed Silent Ponyville 2... Like completely! Thank Celestia! I really liked this story, but I'm glad that I can now move onto some other stories :)

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Silent Ponyville 2 Dramatic Reading · 9:30am Sep 23rd, 2013

So, I have recently decided to take it upon myself to try and do some dramatic readings. Granted, I have never done something like this, like EVER before, but I wanted to just try something different.

The current story I am working on is Silent Ponyville 2... you can check it out below if you want. :)

That's just chapter one, but I am hoping to have a new chapter up every week... hopefully... lol

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