• Published 25th Mar 2013
  • 1,908 Views, 32 Comments

The Fantastic Adventures of Dr. Whooves: The Planet Eaters - The-Pony-Librarian

It's been a little while since Twilight became the Doctor's companion.....But the TARDIS wasn't the only thing that traveled to Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter Two

Chapter Two
In which the Doctor is almost hit by an airborne Scootaloo missile, and a serious creature is dubbed an aptly un-serious name.

A brown haired stallion trotted down the street, looking around the brightly colored shops ponies.
He hummed softly, trotting down the main road towards the Everfree forest. Looking over to a shop
window, he fell silent for moment, only to realize that the tune was being carried on by a pony right
next to him.
The Doctor jumped with a short yelp, giving a small flail before recognizing who the pony was.
"Oh. Oh, Pinkie pie! You startled me...How long have you been walking with me anyways?"
"Since you passed Sugercube Corner!" Pinkie replied cheerfully
"But...that was almost four blocks ago.....How....You know what? Never mind." The Doctor shook his head "Do you think you could possibly show me to the way to Zecora's?"
At this the pink pony looked dejected "Sorry Doctor, but I'm super-dy duper busy planning for a party!"
"Who for?"
Pinkie giggled "I don't know yet! But my Pinkie sense told be that someone is going to ask me to throw a party today!"
The Doctor looked up nervously "Wait... Doesn't that mean something is going to be falling from the sky?"
"That's twitchy tail silly! This was an itchy eye, a tingly right foreleg, and an achy third molar!"
"Oh. That makes sense" there was a definite sarcastic tone to the Doctor's voice.
"I know right!" Pinkie smiled, immune to any form of snarkiness
"Well I guess I'll head off then..."
"Okie Dokie Loki!"
The Doctor began to trot away, and so did Pinkie Pie, bouncing happily.
A few meters away, the pink pony paused. Shivery back. That meant Rarity was trying to match up two ponies. Then there was a nose twitch, and a pinchy shoulder.
"...Poor Twilight" Pinkie Pie said, shaking her head. Then she perked up and headed back to the bakery.
Meanwhile, the Doctor trotted down a nearby street, making his way toward the huge dark green mass on the edge of Ponyville. A small hoof tapped him on the shoulder. He looked down to see a yellow filly with a bright red mane looking up at him.
"Oh! um...hello! do you need something?"
"Sorry, mister" the filly said, voice carrying a southern accent "But could you take a teensy step to the left?"
The Doctor moved over, saying "Alright...Is there any particular reason you had me do tha-"
There was a sound like the snapping of a large rubberband, and an orange filly shoot past the Doctor, tumbling through the air.
It's tiny wings buzzed as the young pony shouted jubilantly "I'm doing it! I'm flying!" before crashing to the earth a few seconds later.
The brown stallion winced sympathetically.
"Sorry about that, Mister" The yellow filly replied, a small white unicorn trotting up next to her "We're trying to help Scootaloo fly"
The orange filly, apparently Scootaloo, pulled herself off the ground, eyes unfocused "Woohooo!" She said "Let's do it again!"
The Doctor looked thoughtful "Would you happen to know the way to Zecora's house?"
"Sure thing! What for?"
"Picking up some tea for a friend...How about this? Instead of launching you friend through the air with...." for the first time the Doctor looked at the device that had made Scootaloo into a pony missile, an ugly patchwork thing that was basically a giant slingshot "....whatever that is. Why don't you help me find Zecora's hut?"
The three fillies looked up at him for a short time, giving no answer.
".....You know what? Maybe this was a bad idea. You've probably been taught not to talk to strangers and all that....I can find it on my ow-"
"CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS TOUR GUIDES!!!!!" All three fillies shouted in unison, rushing over to the Doctor.
The white filly trotted in front of him, describing everything on the path "You see this? This is a rock! This rock is a very interesting example of ummm....ummm....Scootaloo help me!"
The Doctor chuckling, pondering this society in which most were kind to one another, and children had no reason to fear strangers. It was like something had sucked the everyday evil out of the world and used it to create a handful of extremely evil (but surprisingly defeat-able) villains. While leaving all the other sentient creatures for the most part kind and loving. He found ponies to be truly remarkable creatures.
Meanwhile, the three fillies were still pondering the rock, trying to come up with ways that it could be morphed into an interesting tour site.
"So you're....Cutie Mark Crusaders?" The Doctor asked slowly
"Yessir! We have dedicated our lives to the search for our cutie marks! I'm Applebloom, and this is Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo"
"Applebloom, eh?" The brown stallion said "I think I might know your older sister"
"Applejack?" Applebloom asked excitedly as they walked , the Doctor noticed she seemed like the spokes person...er...pony for the group.
"Yes that's it!" he looked to the white filly, who he assumed was Sweetie Belle since there were only three names, and the other's identities had been confirmed "I think I know your sister as well? Rarity was it not?"
Sweetie nodded eagerly "she's the best!" the filly exclaimed, voice squeaking "...,well, except when she's in one of her moods.... But still!"
The orange filly piped up, pushing the other out of the way "Do you know my sister?" Scootaloo asked.
The Doctor paused "No, I can't say I do"
"What! How can you not know Rainbow Dash! She's only the coolest pony in all of Equestria!"
"Rainbow Dash? Well you certainly do act like her...though I can't see any physical resemblance barring the fact that you're both pegasai"
At this the filly looked slightly sheepish "Well...she's not reaaaally my sister. But I really really really want her to be my sister so it still counts!"
The Doctor blinked, looking slightly off-put by that display, but shrugged it off.
"Well, I'm sure she finds that flattering in a creepy sort of way"
"Don't mind her" Applebloom said "She gets a little weird when it comes to RD"
"No I don't!"
"See what I mean? But anyhoof, who are y'all pickin' up tea for?"
"Twilight Sparkle" The Doctor said "You probably know her"
Sweetie Belle suddenly gave a gasp "I know who you are!"
"What?" both Applebloom, Scootaloo and the Doctor asked in unison.
"You're miss Twilight's very special somepony! My sister's always talking about you guys!"
"Awwwwww!" Scootaloo and Applebloom chorused
"ohhhh no, no, no. We're just good friends" The Doctor said quickly "You can inform your sister of that as well"
"Awwwwww....." All three fillies said dejectedly
The Doctor narrowed his eyes at them.
"Oh no" Applebloom said earnestly, guessing what he was thinking "We learned our lesson after we accidentally gave Big Mac and Miss Cheerilee a love poison and almost destroyed half the town"
"Love poison?" The Doctor asked, chuckling softly.
"Yeaahhh" Applebloom said "It's quite a long story....oh! There's Zecora's up there!"
"Brilliant!" The Doctor said cheerfully, before his eyes brightened as he got an idea.
The brown stallion slid out of his new saddlebags, opening one up and digging through it, muttering "I know they're in here somewhere! Why did Twilight have to make so many darn compartments?"
"Uhh...mister?" Scootaloo asked
"Mmmhmph?" The Doctor replied, emerging from the saddlebag with the box of biscuts in his mouth.
"How did you do that? You were almost completely inside the saddlebag"
"Dimentional distortion! Twilight used a spell to create an inter-dimesional room inside the bags...basically, it's bigger on the inside. Here" the Doctor handed them each a biscut "For being so helpful"
The three fillies gave their thanks, but seemed preoccupied with talking about how cool his saddlebags were
"Maybe we could do that!" Scootaloo said
"Make our clubhouse bigger on the inside!" Sweetie squeaked.
"I probably wouldn't try that if I were you-" the Doctor began, but was too late.
with a cry of "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS DIMENSIONAL DISTORTERS" the three fillies had rushed off towards ponyville.
The Doctor laughed, shaking his head. Some things were the same in every universe.
He trotted up to the hut's door, rapping on the wood with a hoof.
It was quickly opened by an exotic looking Zebra, neck and foreleg adorned with golden rings.
"It appears I have a visitor, I have not seen you here before"
The Doctor quirked his head "Do you always speak in rhymes like that? I'm the Doctor by the way"
Zecora harrumphed, motioning for him to come inside "Who are you to judge my rhymes? You fell from the sky, and travel through time"
"....how exactly do you know about that?"
The zebra shrugged enigmatically "Though I reside in the Everfree, that doesn't restrict the things I see. You appear in tales from my homeland too, the wayward stallion in a box of blue"
The Doctor looked unnerved "That's...unsettling" he said slowly "I take it you're not from here"
"My home land of Zebrica is much more severe than the land the Princesses rule over here. The lions would hunt us and we lived in strife, we all ran in hid if we valued our life. In my lands rough and cruel was each day. I came here for peace, and now here I do stay"
"Why don't the Princesses help?" The Doctor questioned. He was surprised that the two princesses would not lend aid to this other land.
"Though hunted and scared, my people are proud. They would never beg for help out loud"
"I see" The Doctor said. He could relate to one's people dying, one's home being destroyed.
"Do not feel bad,this was all long ago. Most of my kind have come here like me, as you know. The ponies are good folk they help where they can. Slowly with time we're rebuilding our land. Though I love telling stories I do have to ask, surely you came here with some other task?"
"Oh, yes!" The Doctor "I was picking up some tea for my friend Twilight"
Once again the Doctor was struck by how, well....good... pony society tended to be. The colorful equines were natural born helpers and builders, raised to be compassionate and true. From he had seen, most were joyful, empathetic and altruistic, putting others before themselves constantly
Zecora nodded, smiling "Ahh yes, dear Twilight, a good friend through and through. I hope you're keeping her safe on her travels with you?"
"Yes, of course..... Although I have no idea how you know all this"
"It is of no importance at this point in time. Just be safe knowing you've picked a good partner in crime" Zecora handed him the bag of tea leaves "Sorry to be curt, I am busy you see. I fear I've made an unpleasant discovery"
"Unpleasant discovery?"
The Zebra sighed "I was looking for herbs when I caught a parisprite. If they are around here than something is not right. The Cockatrice usually keep them at bay, what will happen now, I cannot say. The Cockatrice population seems fine as well, so what is the matter I cannot tell"
"....Can I see this parisprite?" A sneaking suspicion was overtaking the Doctor.
Zecora produced a jar with a small red creature. The Doctor bent down to examine it, it was similar to the model of a parisprite Twilight had shown him, but it definitely wasn't one.
A pair of icy blue eyes narrowed
"You followed me through, didn't you? Clever, clever...Really fantastic how the universal walls adapt a creature into something more it's nearest universal counterpart" The Doctor said, walking around the jar and seemingly talking to the creature inside "Me, pony. You, parisprite. Fitting really, both of you eat everything in sight, but you, you're much nastier aren't you? I expect you won't stay so cute and cuddly for long."
He snorted "No wonder the Cockatrice wouldn't touch you. They could tell that something wasn't right. All I can say is that this world you're on, even though you cannot comprehend it, is a wholesome and lovely one, and you are not going to be destroying it on my watch."
The creature threw itself at the walls of the jar furiously, making an awful hissing noise.
"Brilliant!" the Doctor said sarcastically "It remembers me"
He looked to Zecora, who looked confused.
"I need to get this to Twilight immediately" he said seriously "It is not a parisprite, it is something much, much worse. If you see anymore, contain them at once. Make sure they do not get out at all costs"
He took the jar in his mouth and galloped out of the hut and the Everfree Forest. As he emerged from the trees , he stumbled upon the same three fillies as before
"Hey mister!" Applebloom called out "Did you get your tea?"
In a moment all three fillies were around him, asking all sorts of eager questions
"Look." he said around the jar "I can't talk right now, there's something really important i have to-"
"Is that a parisprite! Cool!"
"Oooh! Ooh! can I see?" Sweetie Belle attempted to grab the jar with her magic, but only succeeded in knocking it to the ground, where is shattered. The creature inside zoomed away.
"oops" Scootaloo said.
The Doctor looked at the jar.
"Oh bloody Hell"
Then he was off like a shot, racing through the streets of Ponyville towards the spa.
A few minutes later Twilight sat in front of him in a backstreet near the spa, looking an equal mix of annoyed and concerned.
"You went into the Everfree alone?!"
"not exactly, I had the Cutie Mark Crusaders with me, but that's not important right-"
"You brought three fillies with you into the Everfree!?"
"Well yes, but that's not important-"
"Doctor, the last time I went into the Everfree I got turned into stone! Applebloom, or Sweetie, or any one of them could have gotten hurt-"
"What would their sisters say to me?"
"Twilight Sparkle!" The Doctor half-roared "I know you're upset about this, but it does not matter one bit right now! What does matter are that there are creatures on the lose that could ravage your entire world. Everything. Poof. Bye- bye. And It won't stop there, it will destroy any inhabited planet that it can. I've seen these creatures in my universe. They are nasty stuff. They're not mindless either, they have just enough intelligent to comprehend the destruction they are committing and enjoy it. If given the chance, they will kill every single living thing on this planet, and we have to stop it, do you understand? I'm pretty sure that is more important than me going into the Everfree forest, don't you?"
Twilight had shrunk back, wide eyed, and gave a very Fluttershy-esque meep in response to the tirade.
"I- I'm sorry..."
The purple unicorn hung her head, shoulders hunched, looking ashamed.
"No, no, it's not your fault" the Doctor put a hoof on her shoulder "It's just, I've seen what these creatures have done in my universe. I don't want that to happen to yours"
"But, it was wrong of me to-"
"Sparky, it's fine" The Doctor said "and right now, I need you to be your usual ingenuitive self, not feeling guilty over something meaningless, alright?"
Twilight looked up, giving a small smile "Could you describe what it looked like?"
"small, insect, six legs, large multifaceted eyes, winged..."
"Doctor...I'm pretty sure that's a-"
"Parisprite, I know" The Doctor replied "But it isn't. Not entirely. You see, when things cross over the walls of the universe, they get changed into their universal counterparts...or the closest thing to them that exists in that universe. Like I turned into a pony, we were both 'ponified' in a sense. Even the TARDIS changed. It's a bit more hoof-friendly than it used to be. Now, when I first stumbled across parisprites, I noted the similarities between them. Parisprites are this universe's version of them."
"So if it turned into a parisprite, wouldn't it be just as harmless as one?"
"That's the thing though. I was turned into a pony, but I can still regenerate, sense fixed points.... I'm still a Timelord, I'm just changed into an equine form. So, this creature, although turned into a more parisprite like creature in form...because trust me, the ones in my universe were not as lovably pastel colored..."
"It still retains at least some of it's old nature" Twilight finished "...So exactly how different are these creatures from parisprites?"
The Doctor laughed without any real mirth "Well, first they aren't susceptible to polka music as far as I know. Second, while they multiply like your parisprites, they grow in size with each multiplication. They will consumes anything and everything, literally eating entire planets before picking up and moving onto the next one"
Twilight gulped "What exactly did these creatures do in your universe?"
The Doctor sighed "Too much...And now one's followed me here"
The purple unicorn looked deep in thought "There's only one now, right?"
"Not for long, but yes"
Twilight suddenly paused "Do these creatures have any sort of name?"
The Doctor looked bemused "Is that really that important right now?"
"Well we can't just go around calling them creatures! It's confusing and annoying"
The Doctor caved "Well, they actually don't have a name really. The only reference made to them with any sort of tile calls them the "Consumer of worlds" and that's pretty unwieldy...suppose we'll have to come up with one"
They both fell silent for a moment, deep in thought
"COWS!" the Doctor said suddenly "Like, C-O-W...Consumer-Of-Worlds. Cows!"
"Doctor, that's a horrible name."
"Well do you have a better one?"
Twilight nodded, smiling smugly.
"Well let's hear this supposed better name then shall we" The Doctor said
"Scarisprites!" Twilight said, folding her hooves victoriously
"Not fair." The Doctor pouted "You ponies are unnervingly good at coming up with pun based names"
Twilight just smirked, then took on a more serious tone.
"I think I know a spell that could bind them, but I would need to go get some of my books...it's really complex"
"Well, what are we waiting for? To the library!"
As they raced down the streets of Ponyville, the Doctor said
"Oh! Nearly forgot!" He withdrew something from his saddlebag "Here's your tea"

Author's Note:

Writing CMC? Fun.
Writing Zecora? Super not fun. NEVER AGAIN.
All those freaking rhymes!
I actually had this written last weekend but couldn't get it up and published because my school decided homework is awesome and we should have more of it.
MURPHYYYYYYYY! *shakes fist*
(If that really confused you, Murphy is the pony personification of Murphy's law. If you don't know who the evil little bastard is or where he came from, go check out Pony-In-A-Box or Squeakanon, as they came up with him. They are super awesome. Seriously. If you don't know who they are, you should)