• Published 25th Mar 2013
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The Fantastic Adventures of Dr. Whooves: The Planet Eaters - The-Pony-Librarian

It's been a little while since Twilight became the Doctor's companion.....But the TARDIS wasn't the only thing that traveled to Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter One

Chapter one
In which a sonic rainboom is performed and Rarity makes a mountain out of another mountain that, while still a mountain, is completely different that the mountain she has interpreted it as

A loud crack woke Twilight from her slumber, causing the unicorn to jerk herself upright with a yelp. She was confused for a moment, unsure what had startled her, and sat in her bed with a bemused expression on her face, then her eyes traveled to her window and realization dawned.
She quickly got out of bed and looked through the glass, smiling and the aura of colors that was spreading across the morning sky. Then, taking a moment to straighten up her bedhead with her magic, Twilight rushed outside, looking up at the ring of colors that ornamented the otherwise still heavens. She would never get tired of seeing sonic rainbooms, something about just them gave her a shiver down her back...Maybe it was imagining soaring through the air at the speed of sound just like her friend, the wind rushing about her. Even though Twilight loved having magic, sometimes she wished she could fly, just to feel that.
Her thoughts were interrupted as there was a sudden clattering of hooves and a familiar tannish earth pony raced into view "Sparkle! I think something is going on...there was a crack, and these strange colors have appeared in the sky- why are you laughing?"
Twilight wheezed, clutching her sides "Doctor, it's just a sonic rainboom....not aliens coming to destroy us"
She noticed that the Doctor perked up at the mention of "sonic." He liked sonic things
"Sonic whatnow?" He said, head quirking to the side like a bemused dog.
"Rainboom" Twilight said "It happens whenever Rainbow Dash breaks the sound barrier...something about a reaction between the atmosphere and her pegasus magic. Even I don't fully understand it, because nopony's ever done it before her"
"Rainbow Dash can break the sound barrier?!"
Twilight nodded "It's not a common thing for pegasai to be able to do, I think she's only the third one to have ever done it...She's getting better at it though" she turned her head up to the colors smiling like a filly "I'm not complaining. I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing the sky lit up like a rainbow"
The Doctor cracked a smile "It is rather pretty.... now that I'm not thinking of it as a sign of potential disaster"
"That's the spirit" Twilight said sarcastically, before going into her usual studious mode "I have some books on pegasus flight magic if you're interested, they might clear things up"
She trotted back through the door, cheerful from her morning dose of color.
The Doctor followed after her, grabbing the books she nodded towards and setting them on the table before heading over to the kitchen.
"Tea, Sparky?" he asked
The purple unicorn rolled her eyes at the nickname, but decided to ignore it. She had long since written it off as just being the Doctor's strange way of showing friendly affection.
"Sure why not-oof!" Twilight tripped over a scrabble box that had been left on the floor from the game her and the Doctor had played last night. She rubbed her head, getting up and starting to pick up the spilled game pieces with her magic "I'm afraid Earl Grey is all I really drink so I hope you don't mind... could you add cream and sugar to mine? Thank you"
"Earl Grey is fine" the Doctor said brightly "You're a mare a good taste. Jammy Dodgers are in the cabinet right?"
"Not for breakfast!"
"Mph?" The Doctor half replied, already having stuffed two of the biscuits in his mouth before Twilight even got the words out.
"....Too late"
"Heh. Sorry" The Doctor set to work preparing the tea, whistling tunelessly.
Smirking slyly, Twilight levitated a wooden scrabble piece and flung it at the back of his head through the kitchen door, causing him to jump.
"Oi!...ohh....oh I get it. You're still sore because I beat you last night aren't you?"
The purple librarian huffed in response "I still say raxacoricofallapatorius isn't a word"
"Does the name of your planet count as a word?"
"Well yes but-"
"My point exactly" the Doctor said triumphantly "So what if Raxacoricofallapatorius has a few more letters..."
Twilight made a face, giving a little huff of disapproval
"There there" The Doctor consoled "it was a close match. You probably would have won if I hadn't landed that triple word score box"
Twilight relented, laughing "It's kind of hard not to when your words stretch from one end of the board to the other" she gave a wry smile, levitating more pieces back into the game box "It's not many ponies who take me up on my offer of playing scrabble with two word tile bags...We almost filled up the board"
The Doctor chuckled, handing Twilight her teacup "Truly a scrabble game to rock the ages" he looked thoughtful "I'm surprised you don't play your friends for money, you could make bank"
Twilight giggled "My friends have learned to stop playing scrabble with me...except Rainbow Dash. She never learns. I usually let her win to spare her pride"
"Sore loser?"
"The worst. She's thrown game boards out the window on several occasions"
The Doctor couldn't help but laugh at that image, taking a sip of his tea "Interesting flavour....You're almost out by the way"
"It's a special blend Zecora makes for me, including some of the plants she finds outside her home in the Everfree" Twilight said before pausing thoughtfully "....I should probably introduce you sometime, you'd probably like her. She's a Zebra"
"Zebra, eh? Interesting"
There was a yawning noise, and a small purple dragon trotted down the stairs, still rubbing his eyes.
"Morning, Twilight" Spike said "you too ,Turner"
The baby dragon had grown used to the presence of the eccentric earth pony in the library, and payed him no particular heed, tottering off to the kitchen for some breakfast gemstones.
"You missed the sonic rainboom, sleepyhead!" Twilight called after him.
Spike just grunted. He was not one for mornings
Twilight smiled, shaking her head "I think you could crash the TARDIS into the library and it still wouldn't wake him up" Then she paused "Oh! I almost forgot!"
She rushed upstairs and came back down holding an item made of dark blue fabric with her magic.
"Tada!" Twilight said, setting them down in front of the Doctor.
They were saddlebags, the same color as the TARDIS and made of a soft, supple material that looked like it could take a lot of wear and tear. The Pocket flaps were decorated with hourglass fittings that kept the back closed.
"I figured since you didn't have any of your own, I could have Rarity make them for you"
The Doctor looked touched "Oh, thank you!"
Twilight grinned "That's not even the best part. Open them"
The brown stallion did as he was told, opening one of the saddlebag flaps and peering inside. He looked up, barking a short laugh.
"They're bigger on the inside!" he chuckled.
Within the right saddlebag was a storage area about the size of a large trunk, probably big enough for a pony to fit comfortably inside, fitted with easy to identify compartments and pockets, and stocked with regularly needed supplies, including a first aid kit, some useful tools, and a box of Jammy Dodgers.
"There are some outside pockets on the left saddlebag for items you want to be able to access more easily" Twilight explained "and the dimensional pockets in the saddlebags are connected, so the left saddlebag opens up on the opposite side of the space. The insides won't shift if you drop them, and the bags won't get any heavier than a comfortable carrying weight. I'm sorry it took so long, the spells were trickier than I imagined, and they still aren't perfect...but-"
"These are absolutely fantastic!" The Doctor said "I can't believe you did all this"
Twilight smiled "It's nothing, really."
"I suppose this means I have to stop stealing your saddlebags?"
Twilight laughed "Why do you think I gave you those ones?"
She levitated the saddlebags and settled them onto her friend's back.
"How do I look?"
Twilight rolled her eyes "You look wonderful Doctor"
She looked at the clock on her wall "Rarity will probably be here any minute now-"
There was a soft creak as a white unicorn pushed the library door open, smiling cheerily.
"Twiliiight!" Rarity sang "It's time for our spa trip!"
"Speak of the Devil" The Doctor quipped
Twilight stood up, finishing her tea and trotting over towards the door "See you, Doctor!" she called, waving.
As the door closed behind her, Twilight could swear she heard a clipped British accent murmur.
She resisted the urge to run back inside. She hoped the Doctor wouldn't get into too much trouble on his own for an hour....for once.
"Turner was certainly at the library early" rarity commented smoothly
"Sonic rainboom" Twilight replied "He had never seen one before, it certainly gave him a good scare. He came to the library to inquire about it"
That was mostly the truth, right? Twilight tried to lie to her friends as little as possible, walking the fine line between making up stories and straight up telling them that, yes she was in medieval Trotland Thursday afternoon, and no it is not weird that she is traveling to the past on a regular basis thank you very much.
"Hmmm" Rarity said, looking for the most part convinced, before brightening "You'll never guess who's coming with us?"
Twilight cocked her head "Pinkie? Applejack?"
"Nope!" a familiar raspy voice said, wing beats blowing Twilight's mane as a cyan pegasus landed beside them.
"Rainbow Dash?"
"The one and only!"
Twilight gave a confused look "But why, you never go to the spa with us....ever..."
At this the pegasus looked down, muttering something under her breath.
Rainbow Dash mumbled something again, even faster than before if possible. This time Twilight thought she caught something, but...no, it couldn't be.
"Go on" Rarity prodded "Tell her"
"RaritydaredmetogetawingpreeninglastweekandnowI'mhooked!" Rainbow blurted, covering her face with her hooves.
That did it, Twilight burst out laughing, nearly falling over.
"Stop ittttttt" Rainbow whined.
"No, no, Dash, it's fine" Twilight said, wiping a tear from her eyes "It's okay to let your...*snerk*... girly side out once in a while"
She nearly fell over laughing again, unable to contain it. It wasn't the fact that Rainbow was getting a wing preening that made it hilarious, but rather the fact that the chromatic pegasus was so absolutely mortified by a completely normal thing. The Wonderbolts probably got professional preenings on a regular basis.
They pushed open the spa doors. Rainbow Dash was now completely red-faced, and even Rarity was struggling to control her chuckles.
"Seriously, Rainbow" Twilight placated as they were led into a spacious room with a pool of warm water in the middle "It's completely fine, you don't have to be embarrassed about it"
Rainbow snorted "yeah, yeah, of course. When is the awesome Dash embarrassed?"
Her purple friend just rolled her eyes, lowering herself into the warm water.
Rarity got into the pool as well, sighing. Then, looking to start a new conversation topic, she said "Soooo, Twilight. How long have you and Turner been dating?"
"WHAT?!" Twilight blanched, then sized up the situation. This was most definitely one of rarity's famous "overreactions." One look at Dash told her that the pegasus wasn't going to cut her any slack, especially after Twilight had needled her earlier. Then there was Rarity herself, Twilight had several analogies she liked to use to describe the difficulty of saying no to rarity, her favorite of which was "Imagine trying to flag down a train in the middle of the night while painted black...by jumping in front of it"
This was not going to be fun.
"Look guys" Twilight said "We're not together. We're friends. Friends."
The gauntlet had been thrown.
"I'm calling pony feathers on that" Rainbow said in retort "complete pony feathers"
"Rainbow! A lady doesn't use such...foul..... language. However, I agree with you" Rarity said bluntly, before cooing "Twilight, I know you might be embarrassed to admit it, that you -studious little Twilight- got a coltfriend, but we're your best friends. You don't have to hide it from us"
The white unicorn squealed "I can help you on dates! I'm the best advice for dating. Your romance will be beautiful! Well, not as beautiful as mine will be when I find, the one....but close. It will be like a story book, and I'll set everything up just so-"
Twilight rolled her eyes. It was fairly clear that Rarity wanted to use the supposed "Romance" to live vicariously through it. Rarity was a good friend, really, but sometimes she got much to caught up in her own fancies for her own (or anypony else's) good.
"As much as I hate that lovey dove-ey gunk, Rarity's right, egghead" Rainbow Dash said "I mean, you let him you Sparky.... The only other stallion I've ever heard calling you anything other that Twilight is your brother"
"Well haven't really been good friends with a stallion before!" Twilight protested "You guys call me Twi, don't you? Same concept."
"Well that's another thing" Rarity said "I don't think you've ever said more than ten words to a stallion, even Big Mac, who we've know for a while. Yet you're very friendly with Turner, and it's only been, what... a couple of weeks since you met him during the changeling infiltration?"
Twilight had to concede that was true. But while it had been only two weeks for their friends, Twilight and the Doctor had been traveling through time. Just yesterday they had spent nearly a week and a half in Pegastopolis looking for a bird-like creature destroying cities, and been home before dinner. From her perspective, she had known the time pony for quite a bit longer.
She gave Rarity a look "You do realize that you and I, not to mention Pinkie, Rainbow, AJ, and Fluttershy, became close friends in roughly a day, right?"
The white unicorn snorted "But this is a stallion we're talking about... Please Twilight, it's obvious that you two have something going on, so just tell us. You're perfect for each other"
Trust Rarity to take any relationship with a stallion and blow it out of proportion. It wasn't the first time. She had thought Sweetie Belle and Pipsqueak were dating once just because she spotted them talking after school.
Twilight had to admit though, if the Doctor had been a normal pony, she would probably have a gigantic crush on him. It wasn't unreasonable, he was smart, funny, and not half-bad looking.
That was the thing though. He wasn't a normal pony, and never would be. It almost relieved Twilight, she never had to worry about possible romantic interest. It just wasn't going to happen.
"Rarity" the purple librarian said slowly and levelly "Me and Turner are not an item. Please understand that"
Rarity blinked, then said slowly "Well, since you insist on denying the obvious truth to me, one of your closest friends, I must come to the only reasonable conclusion..."
Twilight looked hopeful, maybe Rarity would understand and accept that-
"No Rarity, I don't hate you" Twilight said through clenched teeth, looking very much like she did indeed hate Rarity at the current moment"
"Then tell me!" Rarity said, still wailing "Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me-"
"You know" Rainbow Dash said cooly, looking bored "You don't have to be embarassed about it, I mean, he is pretty good looking. In a dorky way. Like, totally not my type. Really."
"Tell meeeeeeeeeeeeee! Tellmetellmetellmetellmetellmeheeeeheeeeeeeeeeeeee!"
"Like, I mean... kinda attractive. If you're into that, like, quirky type. Which I'm not."
"I mean, maybe a seven or an eight. I guess. For you I mean. Like, he's okay...."
"Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!"
Twilight just sat wedged in a corner of the hot tub, trying to occupy as little space as possible as she prayed to Celestia for the torture to end. Just something, anything, to stop this madness.
"Excuse me?" A voice broke in. Lotus stood at the edge of the room, looking awkward.
All three ponies looked up, Twilight with a pleading expression.
"There's a stallion to see you Miss. Twilight, he says it's.....'an extreme emergency of the utmost importance'....."
Twilight paled "Would that stallion happen to be a brown earth pony? Messy mane? Kind of quirky in an, I-have-no-idea-what-you-are-talking-about, sort of way?"
Lotus nodded.
"Oh, buck" Twilight cursed under her breath. She decided that by 'anything' she had meant 'anything short of possible planetary disaster'.
She looked at her friends, knowing that by leaving, she would essentially be admitting defeat in their eyes
"Look, guys. Something really important has-"
"I KNEW IT" Rarity shrieked "YOU DO LOVE HIM!"
After that display, Twilight left the spa as quickly as possible, pondering what was scarier....and unknown threat that the Doctor classified as "an extreme emergency of the utmost importance" or Rarity trying to play matchmaker.