• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 1,065 Views, 11 Comments

A Royal Outing - Mod On Death

Luna and Celestia have finally gotten some time off of their busy schedule and are planning to spend the day together in Canterlot. Donning they're disguises, they head off together on a journey not just through the city, but through their heart

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Tales of the Broken Heart

Tales of the Broken Heart

As the two sisters entered Canterlot’s main plaza they noticed a group of colts hanging out around the fountain. They didn’t look like they were high-class ponies, but actually looked as if they were part of a fraternity that was visiting Canterlot. Celestia had a pretty big smile on her face and Luna just had to ask.
“Sister, what are you planning?”
“Remember how stallions hit on us at the restaurant and even paid for our meal?”
Luna obviously remembered and gagged at the memory of that. “Yes, and I hate you right now for reminding me of that.”
“Well, that just gave me an idea with all these ponies out here,” the conniving solar sister said. “I think we should have a contest. See which one of us can woo more of these colts than the other.” Luna never understood what was up with her sister and her desire to get younger colts to woo her. She always seemed like she was just one push away from becoming like the infamous Catline the Great, the Queen of the Cat People who was rumored to have died while in the pleasurable company of several stallions.
“Sister, I don’t think we should lead these ponies on like this. After all, it’s not like we’ll be seeing them after this. What if we broke their hearts?” Luna always felt that romance and royalty would always conflict with each other since if one got in the way of the other the repercussions would always dramatic.
“Oh calm down sister! We’re just going to be flirting with them. Nothing too serious. You act as if they wouldn’t enjoy being hit on by two lovely mares. Now let’s get started!” Celestia trotted off to the group of mares, thinking how easy it would be for a mare like her with over a thousand years of experience dealing with other ponies and her current looks (she made certain to make sure that when she shrunk down she emphasized the right places). Her sister seemed a bit hesitant though and let her know that she would be changing into something more fitting for the situation. Celestia agreed to let her sister do that and thought that it would just giver her more time to woo them before her sister started.
“Hello boys,” Celestia said in her silkiest voice. She trotted over to them nice and slowly, giving them a good look at her as she passed by. “This is gonna be easy,” she thought to herself as their eyes went over her body.
“Oh, hello mam. Is there anything we can help you with?” an earth pony with brown fur and a buzzcut mane said.
“There certainly is. I’m looking for some ponies to show this girl around town. Would any of you mind helping out?” Celestia batted her eyes, certain that they were in the bag.
“Sure!” One of them said, causing Celestia to start chalking up the numbers of guys she’d wooed. “If you want tourist information, head down to the city planning building just on the intersection of Mane Street and Cloppington Avenue. They have maps and guides that’ll help you find wherever you need.” Celestia’s smile dropped from her face as she realized they couldn’t tell she was trying to hit on them. She needed to go to a more direct strategy.
“Would any of you fine gentlecolts care to accompany me? I’d love the company,” she was pretty sure that that line would be obvious enough to go them to go with her.
“Really?” one of them said. “If you’d like company my mom came with us on the trip. She’d never seen the capitol before and said she wanted to see it before she got too old. She’d be someone for you to hang out with and talk about things that you’re interested in.”
Celestia just stood there, mouth agape at the statement she had just heard. She had just been labeled as someone as old as their mother (to be honest, her actual age was much older than just a mother, but seeing as she went to the effort to change how she appeared that’s what bothered her). She was just about to leave when she heard several of the fraternity colts mumbling about a beautiful mare. She thought they were talking about her for a moment, but was suddenly crushed when she saw who they were talking about.
“Oh, hello there,” Luna said to the colts in a gentle manner. She had her hair style changed just so her mane slightly covered her face and had changed into a simple white dress. “Um, how are you colts? My name is Lulu, and I’m new here. Could you help guide me through town?” Luna then placed a small smile on her face and looked rather embarrassed when you did that. Pretty much all of the colts lost it at that point, one of them actually grabbing at his chest with his hoof. That smile was able to kill if done correctly.
“I’d like to help!” the one with the buzz cut screamed out.
“No, me! I’ve been around here a lot!” the one who offered directions yelled.
“Please pick me! I’ll take you anywhere you want!” begged the one who offered Celestia to go with his mom. The more they kept on asking her to go with them, the more her smile grew and enraptured them. Celestia couldn’t stand it and trotted off quickly.
“Sister, wait!” cried out Luna, leaving behind the colts as they were baffled that such a lovely mare was a sister to such an older mare. She found Celestia in an alleyway, finding her crying behind the dumpster.
“So, I guess you win,” the older sister etched out through her teary voice. “Guess you’re the better looking mare no matter what I do.” Luna didn’t know what to say at the sight of her sibling crying. She felt powerless at that moment, lost in thought of what she could do to help. Celestia was always good with helping her out whenever she felt sad and lonely, but she was the older sister. She was supposed to be good at those things. It looked as if the roles would have to change now in this time of need.
“Tia, don’t speak such nonsense. You’re one of the most beautiful beings in all of Equestria and, if I be so bold, the world. You don’t need the attention of three dumb colts to know that.” The younger sister was hoping that this would be enough to stop her sister’s sadness.
“You think that, but I don’t feel that way. I mean, do you know that no one has ever tried to hit on me? Absolutely no one. Not even a compliment on my looks from other stallions. I just feel ugly sometimes. Not even this more petite body could help me land a compliment. You on the other hand always received the glares and affection of the subjects, always getting letters professing how beautiful you are and how much it would mean to them if they could simply meet you face-to-face to see how lovely you were in person. I’ve only gotten paperwork.” Luna was stunned by what she had heard. Her older, perfect sister was was actually jealous of her? She always knew that she received a fair amount of compliments from colts and even mares, but she had assumed the same was with her sister as well. It had always been something that occurred naturally with her. Now she saw why Tia tried so hard with those colts.
“Well, sister, I think I know several reasons why that might be.” Celestia dried her tears and looked up to see what her sister was trying to say. “You’re held in such high stature by the people that such compliments might sound derogatory and be insulting. They might think you’d consider such compliments to focus on your looks and not your many years of leadership.” Luna felt like she was handling herself pretty well with this speech. “Also, remind too many people of their mothers,” was what the younger, and apparently airheaded, sister said before realizing the implications of what she had just said.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” a confused princess asked.
“Well, you’re very caring for your people and always reassuring them that you’ll handle anything that’s beyond their grasp. You always stand up to your people in times of need and are willing to make personal sacrifices if needed. That’s the sort of thing that mothers do, and nopony in their right mind would hit on someone whom they felt was a mother-like figure.”
Celestia pondered her younger sibling’s words and felt calmed down by such a reasonable logic, but this left one question unanswered though, and she needed to ask it. “So why do they feel attracted to you then?”
The Lunar Princess giggled as she thought of all the times she’d been complimented for her looks and what the similarities were. She told her sister what she was sure was the answer. “Well, I don’t appear as motherly as you, rather an empowered mare who is competent in her decisions. I’m able to create an aura of mystery however by my association with the night and the exotic nature of my mane and coat colors that are not too common. While I am able to present an alluring aura of self-confidence though, I also appear as someone who is actually very shy and reserved, still trying to figure this world out.” She thought of what she had just said and found it very interesting that it was all coming out of her mouth. Until this moment she had never realized why so many were attracted to her, but this moment of clarity was enough for her to understand how other saw her. She looked down to see her sister now standing up and taking in the self-analysis.
“That actually makes sense,” the older sister said, eyes puffy from tears. The younger sister proceeded to nuzzle her sister, giving her a sense of security and the feeling of being truly wanted that she had desired to feel for so long. She had wanted to be loved by ponies in one particular way so much that she didn’t see the other way they had always cared for her: not as a lover, but a mother. “Besides, I’m already busy enough as is. I don’t need to worry about some creepy pony stalking me.” The two of them set off, leaving behind them several colts who will always be confused with what had just happened.

Author's Note:

It's lonely being at the top. Luckily her sister will always be there to keep her company. Tune in for our next chapter which features the return of two entrepreneurs and their newfangled dancing game in "Dance Dance Monarchy!"