• Published 8th Jan 2013
  • 1,541 Views, 81 Comments

Princessy - not plu

My name is Celeste and I am eleven years old. I like sunshine and winter and glitter and cotton candy and fairy tales. I live with my little sister Luna and I am the queen of Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter Four

“It’s nothing and it’s everything
I cannot fall asleep
Wandering, pouring through my head
The secrets that you keep”

“Good morning Queen Celeste. How did you sleep?” Bright lights and a smiling face. Hovering over me. Good morning indeed. Mmm, soon there will be wonderful sunshine.
“I-I had a nightmare. There was chanting, and... it was scary.” I’m having trouble recalling what exactly it was, but dreams are dreams. I shake it off.
“Shall I prepare your breakfast?” I get out of bed and nod.
“Yes, of course. I’m going to go watch the sunrise.” But I stay put, waiting to be alone so I can change.
“As usual, my queen.” And she is gone. I change into a flowy dress, perfect for the chill of dawn and for the mood set by the sunrise. I pause at my case of tiaras, and opt for a sparkly headband. It’s a short walk to the sunrise room, and upon entering, I am greeted with a bow by the servant in the room. I quickly dismiss him. I sit in my favorite sunrise chair, its comfiness swallowing me, and she comes in a moment later with my breakfast of croissants and tea. I do not touch it but instead look to the clear horizon and the first bits of orange and yellow and pink seeping into the sky. It’s beautiful. Incredibly amazing. And mine, in a way. I never get tired of it, though, day after day. I sit back and sigh contentedly.

“So, agenda for the day?” Delicious, delicious croissants.
“Well, at nine you have a meeting. Lunch at noon. A visitor at 1:30. A visit by you at three. Sunset at 7:15.”
“Elaborate on each.”
“The nine meeting is on the economic web of the major cities of Equestria.” Sounds incredibly useless and boring.
“Ugh, can’t I get out of that?”
“Um, no. Sorry.” Blast.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes.” Blast.
“Continue.” Ooh, herbal tea.
“You’re going to the grand opening of Bistro de Celeste for lunch. It’ll have to be quick though, because a visitor will be here at...” Unimportant.
“Tell me later, please. I’ll be off to my room to prepare for that meeting. Goodbye.”
“Goodbye, queen.” I walk out and back to my bedroom. I have to look queenly but more buisnesswomanly for this meeting. It doesn’t take long to pick something out, but I know the meeting will last for an eternity.
An eternity.

eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity

eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity eternity

“LUNA!” And I’m screaming.

“Tia? Um, I... I just wanted to tell you th-that I... uh, I’m not doing this right I am I?”
“You’re doing fine.”
“Okay. I’m... I th- deus meus. Ohmygod. Her eyes are open. Ohmygod, look, look!”
“Honey... honey...”
“That’s Queen.”
I can see... light. Light. I... who am I?
“Who am I?”
“Stop.” A new voice. A male one. “No telling her anything. That’s the rule. She’s gotta a figure it out for herself.”
“What would you know, that’s my-”
“Calm down, Princess. Shouldn’t you be sleeping or... ruling?”
“Ugh. Whatever. Catamitus.”
I see... light.
“Alright honey, who are you?”
“God, just let me do it, nursie. And you can leave, Mister Jerk.”
“Mmm, sassy.”
“Just go. Both of you. I’ve got this.”
“Don’t you think we should wait a bit? She... just woke up a minute ago.”
“Eh, let the princess have her fun.”
“There, run along.” Footsteps. And light. “Alrighty Tia. That’s not your name, I just call you that. Now, you’re gonna have to speak.”
I see light and can hear... and I will... speak.
“Light. Light. Lux. Oh god. Okay. That’s really really good. Like awesome. Okay. Oh-kay. Um.”
I see light. But I... I. I.
“Alright, moving on. Who are you?”
“Who are you?”
“No. You’re not Tia, I just call you that. Who are you?”
My name. Light. No, me. Light? No... I...
“Come on Tia.”
“No! God- hmm. Breathe. Okay, let’s slow down. Who are you? Repeat after me. My name is.”
“M-my n-a-me isss”
“Awesome. Now say your name.”
“Good. You’re on the right track. Keep going. Your name.” I can do this. Light? No, but... I... am...
“Ssss-c-eh...ss-ell-eh, s-s-el-ess...t. C-el-est. Cel-este. Celeste.”
“Yes! Yes! You did it! Oh my god, I am so proud of you. Now I can call you by your name instead of just Tia, but I might slip up once or twice because that’s what I called you... the whole time.”
“Cel-este. Light.”
“I think that’s enough for today.” But I was so... good.
“Who told you to come back in?”
“I’m her doctor. I’m allowed to be in here wherever.”
“Doesn’t personal time override that?”
“Doesn’t her health override that?”
“Doesn’t ruling this country overrule that?”
“Doesn’t protecting the-. Nevermind. But that’s not defeat. I’m only saying that because I can’t say any more, under my own rules.”
“Ha! Karma.”
“You’re one to talk.” A... stop. That was... dark.
“I told you... not to bring that up, not in front of her.”
“Sorry moonshine.”
“Just go. Please. I want to be alone with her.”
“Fine. But I’ll be back in five for bloodwork.” Footsteps... door shut. Light. Light and quiet.
“It’s okay, Celeste. I think we’ve done enough for today.” Pause. “Do you want me to sing?” Sing... sing a song... I know a song... but no, it’s not...
“Oh. Okay.” Door and footsteps.
“Alright Celeste. Hi.” H-hello. I can’t make words. P-please help... me. “We’re gonna need to put you under for a little bit, and since it’s been a long day already, I doubt you’ll wake up until morning. Okay? Okay. Sweet dreams, Celeste...” And voices, voices... fading. Light... fading to... dark.

“Me amare mane
Me amare sol
Me amare die
Me amare vita

Ego pro mea mane
Et diem faciet
Sit sol esse vera
Et imitatores gaudent
Postera lux agit hoc nobis

Me amare mane
Me amare sol
Me amare die
Me amare vita”

“Good morning, Tia- err, Celeste.” Light. “I’m just used to calling you Tia, hope that’s okay. So how are you? Great. I’m kinda disappointed you didn’t want me to sing to you, actually. The doctors said it would help. You know what, I’m gonna sing anyway. This job is really hard. But don’t worry, I won’t be singing to you, rather to myself. Oh god, I’m babbling, aren’t I? Nox faecem, I can’t ask you questions. Did I mention... I forgot. Whatever. I’m gonna sing now.” Light and... I know this v-voice. Sing. SInging.
“Me amare vesperum
Me amare luna
Me amare nocte
Me amare vita

Ego pro vespertina
Et nox faciet
Agat aestus esse vera
Et imitatores gaudent
Hoc dat nobis proxima nocte

Me amare vesperum
Me amare luna
Me amare nocte
Me amare vita”
I know the... but no, it’s so... different?
Regina et Imperatrix.
“You know Latin?”
Revera linguam latinam vix cognovi.
“You looked up that up online, didn’t you?”
“... yes.”
“You little lupae filius.”
“I’m not gonna ask what that means. How is she?” She. She... me?
“I heard you took my advice.”
“You heard that?”
“Yeah. And you suck.”
“I’m kidding, Princess. Calm down.”
“Why are you even here?”
“The... expert tells me to check if she can see. So I am.”
“Yeah.” Voice closer. “Okay, Celeste. Can you see me?”
I see... “L-light.”
“You see light? Hmm. I guess that’s good.”
“Yes, light.”
“But can you see shapes... is it just light?”
“Just light.” I am good, I can answer, I can... speak.
“Good. At least she can understand us. But it seems that she still can’t fully see.”
“Thank you, Dr. Doctor.”
“Always my pleasure, Moon Unit.” Footsteps, door.
“Alright, he’s gone. So, did the song help you?” No. “So yeah. I think we should move on. Next is- oh wait, recap. What is your name?” I know this.
“M-my name is Celeste.”
“Awesome! Next on our list is your age. How old are you?”
How... old am I? How many...
“But how many years? Is it one, two, forty, a million?”
“It’s none of those options.” Oh. Think, Celeste.
“T-t-tw...elve. Tw-elve.”
“Oh no. Oh deus. Celeste... I... I have to go for a moment. You’ll be fine. Te amo.”
Footsteps. Fast, not loud. Door. Light. Silent. I have to remember. My name is Celeste. My name is Celeste and I am... twelve years old? But she, she.... she was upset. Was I... wrong? But I still don’t know what... no, who am I? What am I... like? Like. I know that word, like. I like. That’s how it goes. I like. What do I like? I like light. No. But... not light... s-sun? Yes, yes, I like sun-shine. I like sunshine. I am good. I can re-remember.
Door, footsteps light and quick.
“Okay I’m back. Look, I... don’t know how to say this, but you’re not... twelve anymore, Celeste. You’re fifteen. You’ve been in a coma for three years. Three long, hard years. It’s so goddamned cliché. Why? Why would you... breathe. It’s okay- it’s...” She is not okay. She is upset. With me.
“Okay?” I can be good, look, I can remember.
“No. Your name is Celeste and you are fifteen years old. You like sunshine and winter and glitter and cotton candy and fairy tales. You live with your little sister Luna, that’s me, and you are the queen of Equestria. I’m the queen right now. I had to wait for three years. We’re princesses and we get to dress up and run around the castle and we are not normal. You banished Discord and... our parents are dead. You take care of me even though we don’t hang out as much as normal sisters do because you’ve been in a coma and you are the day and I am the night. For god’s sake, Celeste, remember!”
“Luna, why the eff did you do that?”
“I-I had too! God, I’m... sorry.” Her voice has tears in it. Footsteps, running.
“Luna, wait! Christ.” Footsteps. Door. I am alone. Luna. Luna? Luna, I remember. Luna. I...
My name is Celeste and I am fifteen years old. I like sunshine and winter and glitter and cotton candy and fairy tales. I live with my little sister Luna and I am the queen of Equestria. I’ve been in a coma for three years. Luna and I are princesses and we get to dress up and run around the castle and I know I’m not normal. I banished Discord and my parents are dead. I take care of Luna even though we don’t hang out as much as normal sisters do because I am the day and she is the night.

I remember.

Author's Note:

It's finally finished!

Please excuse any Latin translation issues, I know how inaccurate Google translate can be. If you need any translations, just ask me. Any questions at all, actually.