• Published 8th Jan 2013
  • 1,540 Views, 81 Comments

Princessy - not plu

My name is Celeste and I am eleven years old. I like sunshine and winter and glitter and cotton candy and fairy tales. I live with my little sister Luna and I am the queen of Equestria.

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Chapter Three

My name is Celeste and I am twelve years old. I like the sun and Luna and normality and knowing things. I’m locked in our quarters with my little sister Luna and I am the queen of Equestria. I’m the queen right now. I don’t have the time to wait until I am fifteen years old because it’s already been a few months of doing nothing and I had my birthday so I’m not eleven and I’m twelve and three more years will be too long. Luna and I are princesses but we can’t dress up and run around the castle because we’re locked in but sometimes I wish my life could go back to normal. Right now my uncle Dizzy is somewhere, crashing through Equestria and my parents are dead. I have to take care of Luna even though I need taking care of too because I like the day and she likes the night and we’re stuck here together and I love her and I always listen to momma. We get food delivered every day but we can’t go out of our quarters and I don’t know why but the food is yucky and Luna won’t talk much but I hear her crying at night and it makes me sad. I don’t like being sad. There are no windows so I don’t know when night and day is so we are both confused and unhappy and sometimes I wish my parents to be not dead because right now I am sad all the time which isn’t good.

The newspapers say that there is chaos everywhere and that houses are turned around and people are dying and it rains acid and I think it’s uncle Dizzy’s fault but the newspapers call him Discord instead. I’m scared. I have to be queen because I don’t think anyone is right now and Equestria needs me but Luna needs me too. Momma told me to be queen and I will right now. I can be the queen since I don’t think Discord is still king so I have to be and Luna can be Queen of the Night and we can be happy but first I have to get out of our quarters to I can go to the longs pretty sparkly pictures room and be queen but I’m stuck here. But the door is knocking with our food and that means the door to the castle opens and I can get out and I will get out because I am the queen of Equestria.
“Here’s the meal, ladies.”
“Thank you. Now let us go.”
“I’m under orders from Discord saying not to.”
“I have more power than he does.”
“No is no, hon.”
“I am the queen of Equestria and I demand you let us go.”
“I’m not listenin’ to a little girl.”
“No, but you’ll listen to the queen.” These words aren’t really mine because I heard momma saying them once when she was dying and I remember and then she pushed past the person so I do that and I’m free and it was easy and there’s no more locked up and I’m free with Luna and we’re free again and life can be not sad and it doesn’t matter that my parents are dead and I’m the queen of Equestria and I get Luna and we’re free to run and jump and be happy again but I don’t know if I can still be a kid because I’m queen but I’ll try and uncle Dizzy said I couldn’t but he is a bad person and bad people lie so I can’t listen to him like I listen to momma because he’s not in power because I’m queen.

We go to the pretty sparkly pictures room and run all the way past the colors on the ground and our shouting echoes and we’re happy and I’m the queen and we get to the end of the room and to the big chair and there is a big door that says it is locked but I just put my hand on it and it opens for us because I’m special and there is my earrings and they are pretty and sparkly and I put them on for momma because I always listen to momma and they’re pretty and feel so special and Luna is smiling which is very good because she doesn’t smile much. and I keep my tiara on because there is no special crown there and there is also a book and it looks special so I open it and read it with Luna and what it says is very important and talks about six special people, but not special like me and Luna, special because they are good people. And I need to find these people and Luna agrees because they can help me with Discord but I don’t think these people really exist yet and I need them to but I’m queen so I have to figure out what to do before it’s too late and finding the people would take too long and I need to think more. I can hear the door opening but I’m reading and click click click of footsteps on the ground and I think it’s just one of the other people click so I just keep reading about the special people click and I need a plan click and maybe the book will help and Luna can’t help click because she’s little but she’ll try to help me because she loves me click and the book will help. Luna is fidgety and wants to go to sleep click because she likes sleep but she can’t click because we have to save Equestria click and we have to figure out what to do very soon click and it’s hard to think and I’m upset and... Click.
“So we meet again, ladies.”

Author's Note:

This'll be the last update for tonight so you get a cliffhanger until tomorrow.